วันอาทิตย์ที่ 13 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2562

EnGenius EWS330AP v1.3.0

อุปกรณ์นี้เป็น Access Point ครับ มี Wireless 2.4G และ 5G 
ใต้เครื่องมีพอร์ต LAN 1000M 1 พอร์ตที่รองรับการจ่ายไฟแบบ PoE รวมถึงรองรับไฟ 12 VDC ด้วย
ตัวเครื่องล็อคโดยไม่ใช้น็อต และไม่มีล็อคพลาสติด มันยึดเข้าด้วยกันโดยกาวหรืออาจจะหลอมพลาสติคเข้าด้วยกัน ซึ่งพอแกะออกแล้วจะประกอบกลับไม่ได้ ต้องหากาวมาหยอด
ภายในเครื่องมี Mainboard และเสาอากาศ 4 เสา แบ่งเป็นของคลื่น 2.4G 2 เสาและ 5G 2 เสา
ใน Mainboard จะมีชิพต่างๆ คือ
Qualcomm IPQ4018 -> Wi-Fi SoC with Wave-2 802.11ac
Nanya NT5CC128M16IP-DI -> 256 MByte DDR3L 1600
Qualcomm QCA8072 -> Dual-Port 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet Transceiver
Mainboard ด้านล่าง
Mainboard ด้านล่าง
เมื่อแกะแผ่นระบายความร้อนออกจะเจอชิพ Flash Memory

พอร์ต Serial Console จะอยู่ที่ Connector J5 ใช้ Baudrate 115200 ผมไม่ทราบรหัสผ่านเข้า Shell ของ Linux ครับ

Bootloader Message

Format: Log Type - Time(microsec) - Message - Optional Info
Log Type: B - Since Boot(Power On Reset),  D - Delta,  S - Statistic
S - Boot Config, 0x00000021
S - Core 0 Frequency, 0 MHz
B -       261 - PBL, Start
B -      1339 - bootable_media_detect_entry, Start
B -      1679 - bootable_media_detect_success, Start
B -      1693 - elf_loader_entry, Start
B -      5076 - auth_hash_seg_entry, Start
B -      7223 - auth_hash_seg_exit, Start
B -    573341 - elf_segs_hash_verify_entry, Start
B -    688997 - PBL, End
B -    689021 - SBL1, Start
B -    777398 - pm_device_init, Start
D -         6 - pm_device_init, Delta
B -    778910 - boot_flash_init, Start
D -     63417 - boot_flash_init, Delta
B -    846518 - boot_config_data_table_init, Start
D -      3848 - boot_config_data_table_init, Delta - (419 Bytes)
B -    853749 - clock_init, Start
D -      7578 - clock_init, Delta
B -    865849 - CDT version:2,Platform ID:8,Major ID:1,Minor ID:0,Subtype:0
B -    869339 - sbl1_ddr_set_params, Start
B -    874326 - cpr_init, Start
D -         2 - cpr_init, Delta
B -    878819 - Pre_DDR_clock_init, Start
D -         4 - Pre_DDR_clock_init, Delta
D -     13148 - sbl1_ddr_set_params, Delta
B -    892522 - pm_driver_init, Start
D -         2 - pm_driver_init, Delta
B -    962640 - sbl1_wait_for_ddr_training, Start
D -        29 - sbl1_wait_for_ddr_training, Delta
B -    978464 - Image Load, Start
D -    135041 - QSEE Image Loaded, Delta - (262104 Bytes)
B -   1114000 - Image Load, Start
D -      1446 - SEC Image Loaded, Delta - (2048 Bytes)
B -   1124369 - Image Load, Start
D -    221965 - APPSBL Image Loaded, Delta - (454031 Bytes)
B -   1346758 - QSEE Execution, Start
D -        58 - QSEE Execution, Delta
B -   1352936 - SBL1, End
D -    666025 - SBL1, Delta
S - Flash Throughput, 2005 KB/s  (718602 Bytes,  358318 us)
S - DDR Frequency, 537 MHz

U-Boot 2012.07-EWS330AP-uboot_version:V1.0.3 [Attitude Adjustment 12.09.1,2cdbe0a] (Oct 16 2017 - 17:48:39)

smem ram ptable found: ver: 1 len: 3
DRAM:  256 MiB
machid : 0x8010000
NAND:  0 MiB
FLASH:  SF: Detected W25Q256 with page size 64 KiB, total 32 MiB

ipq_spi: page_size: 0x100, sector_size: 0x10000, size: 0x2000000
32 MB
In:    serial
Out:   serial
Err:   serial
Net:   MAC0 addr:0:3:7f:ba:db:ad
PHY ID1: 0x4d
PHY ID2: 0xd0b2
ipq40xx_ess_sw_init done

Please choose the operation:
   2: Load Linux System code then write to Flash via TFTP.
   4: Entr boot command line interface.
   6: Load Linux Kernel then write to Flash via TFTP.
   7: Load Linux filesystem then write to Flash via TFTP.
   8: Load Linux uboot then write to Flash via TFTP.
   9: Load Boot Loader code then write to Flash via TFTP.
   e: Erase Boot Loader ENV config.
   ESC: Please input ESC to run Burn-in testing.

You choosed 4

4: System Enter Boot Command Line Interface.

U-Boot 2012.07-EWS330AP-uboot_version:V1.0.3 [Attitude Adjustment 12.09.1,2cdbe0a] (Oct 16 2017 - 17:48:39)
Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0
(IPQ40xx) #
(IPQ40xx) #
(IPQ40xx) #
(IPQ40xx) #
(IPQ40xx) # ?
?       - alias for 'help'
base    - print or set address offset
bootipq - bootipq from flash device
bootm   - boot application image from memory
bootp   - boot image via network using BOOTP/TFTP protocol
chpart  - change active partition
cmp     - memory compare
cp      - memory copy
crc32   - checksum calculation
dhcp    - boot image via network using DHCP/TFTP protocol
dumpipq_data- dumpipq_data crashdump collection from memory
echo    - echo args to console
env     - environment handling commands
exit    - exit script
false   - do nothing, unsuccessfully
fatinfo - print information about filesystem
fatload - load binary file from a dos filesystem
fatls   - list files in a directory (default /)
fdt     - flattened device tree utility commands
fuseipq - fuse QFPROM registers from memory

go      - start application at address 'addr'
help    - print command description/usage
i2c     - I2C sub-system
imxtract- extract a part of a multi-image
loop    - infinite loop on address range
md      - memory display
md5sum  - compute MD5 message digest
mii     - MII utility commands
mm      - memory modify (auto-incrementing address)
mmc     - MMC sub system
mmcinfo - display MMC info
mtdparts- define flash/nand partitions
mtest   - simple RAM read/write test
mw      - memory write (fill)
nand    - NAND sub-system
nboot   - boot from NAND device
nm      - memory modify (constant address)
pci     - list and access PCI Configuration Space
ping    - send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network host
printenv- print environment variables
reset   - Perform RESET of the CPU
run     - run commands in an environment variable
saveenv - save environment variables to persistent storage
setenv  - set environment variables
sf      - SPI flash sub-system
showvar - print local hushshell variables
smeminfo- print SMEM FLASH information
source  - run script from memory
test    - minimal test like /bin/sh
tftpboot- boot image via network using TFTP protocol
tftpput - TFTP put command, for uploading files to a server
true    - do nothing, successfully
uartrd  - uartrd read from second UART
uartwr  - uartwr to second UART
ubi     - ubi commands
usb     - USB sub-system
usbboot - boot from USB device
version - print monitor, compiler and linker version
(IPQ40xx) # help
?       - alias for 'help'
base    - print or set address offset
bootipq - bootipq from flash device
bootm   - boot application image from memory
bootp   - boot image via network using BOOTP/TFTP protocol
chpart  - change active partition
cmp     - memory compare
cp      - memory copy
crc32   - checksum calculation
dhcp    - boot image via network using DHCP/TFTP protocol
dumpipq_data- dumpipq_data crashdump collection from memory
echo    - echo args to console
env     - environment handling commands
exit    - exit script
false   - do nothing, unsuccessfully
fatinfo - print information about filesystem
fatload - load binary file from a dos filesystem
fatls   - list files in a directory (default /)
fdt     - flattened device tree utility commands
fuseipq - fuse QFPROM registers from memory

go      - start application at address 'addr'
help    - print command description/usage
i2c     - I2C sub-system
imxtract- extract a part of a multi-image
loop    - infinite loop on address range
md      - memory display
md5sum  - compute MD5 message digest
mii     - MII utility commands
mm      - memory modify (auto-incrementing address)
mmc     - MMC sub system
mmcinfo - display MMC info
mtdparts- define flash/nand partitions
mtest   - simple RAM read/write test
mw      - memory write (fill)
nand    - NAND sub-system
nboot   - boot from NAND device
nm      - memory modify (constant address)
pci     - list and access PCI Configuration Space
ping    - send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network host
printenv- print environment variables
reset   - Perform RESET of the CPU
run     - run commands in an environment variable
saveenv - save environment variables to persistent storage
setenv  - set environment variables
sf      - SPI flash sub-system
showvar - print local hushshell variables
smeminfo- print SMEM FLASH information
source  - run script from memory
test    - minimal test like /bin/sh
tftpboot- boot image via network using TFTP protocol
tftpput - TFTP put command, for uploading files to a server
true    - do nothing, successfully
uartrd  - uartrd read from second UART
uartwr  - uartwr to second UART
ubi     - ubi commands
usb     - USB sub-system
usbboot - boot from USB device
version - print monitor, compiler and linker version
(IPQ40xx) # printenv

Environment size: 648/65532 bytes
(IPQ40xx) # showver
Unknown command 'showver' - try 'help'
(IPQ40xx) # showvar
(IPQ40xx) # ver

U-Boot 2012.07-EWS330AP-uboot_version:V1.0.3 [Attitude Adjustment 12.09.1,2cdbe0a] (Oct 16 2017 - 17:48:39)
arm-openwrt-linux-uclibcgnueabi-gcc (OpenWrt/Linaro GCC 4.8-2014.01 unknown) 4.8.3
GNU ld (GNU Binutils) 2.22
(IPQ40xx) # smem
flash_type:             0x6
flash_index:            0x0
flash_chip_select:      0x0
flash_block_size:       0x10000
flash_density:          0x2000000
partition table offset  0x0
No.: Name             Attributes            Start             Size
  0: 0:SBL1           0x0000ffff              0x0          0x40000
  1: 0:MIBIB          0x002040ff          0x40000          0x20000
  2: 0:QSEE           0x0000ffff          0x60000          0x60000
  3: 0:CDT            0x0000ffff          0xc0000          0x10000
  4: 0:DDRPARAMS      0x0000ffff          0xd0000          0x10000
  5: 0:APPSBLENV      0x0000ffff          0xe0000          0x10000
  6: 0:APPSBL         0x0000ffff          0xf0000          0x80000
  7: 0:ART            0x0000ffff         0x170000          0x10000
  8: userconfig       0x0000ffff         0x180000          0x80000
  9: 0:HLOS           0x0000ffff         0x200000         0x400000
 10: rootfs           0x0000ffff         0x600000        0x1a00000
(IPQ40xx) # pci
Scanning PCI devices on bus 0
BusDevFun  VendorId   DeviceId   Device Class       Sub-Class
pci_bus_to_hose() failed
pci_bus_to_hose() failed
pci_bus_to_hose() failed
pci_bus_to_hose() failed
pci_bus_to_hose() failed
pci_bus_to_hose() failed
pci_bus_to_hose() failed
pci_bus_to_hose() failed
pci_bus_to_hose() failed
pci_bus_to_hose() failed
pci_bus_to_hose() failed
pci_bus_to_hose() failed
pci_bus_to_hose() failed
pci_bus_to_hose() failed
pci_bus_to_hose() failed
pci_bus_to_hose() failed
pci_bus_to_hose() failed
pci_bus_to_hose() failed
pci_bus_to_hose() failed
pci_bus_to_hose() failed
pci_bus_to_hose() failed
pci_bus_to_hose() failed
pci_bus_to_hose() failed
pci_bus_to_hose() failed
pci_bus_to_hose() failed
pci_bus_to_hose() failed
pci_bus_to_hose() failed
pci_bus_to_hose() failed
pci_bus_to_hose() failed
pci_bus_to_hose() failed
pci_bus_to_hose() failed
pci_bus_to_hose() failed
(IPQ40xx) # mmci
No MMC device available
(IPQ40xx) # help mtdp
mtdparts - define flash/nand partitions

(IPQ40xx) # fatinfo
usage: fatinfo <interface> <dev[:part]>
(IPQ40xx) # env
env - environment handling commands

(IPQ40xx) # base
Base Address: 0x00000000
(IPQ40xx) #

Boot Message
Format: Log Type - Time(microsec) - Message - Optional Info
Log Type: B - Since Boot(Power On Reset),  D - Delta,  S - Statistic
S - Boot Config, 0x00000021
S - Core 0 Frequency, 0 MHz
B -       262 - PBL, Start
B -      1340 - bootable_media_detect_entry, Start
B -      1680 - bootable_media_detect_success, Start
B -      1694 - elf_loader_entry, Start
B -      5091 - auth_hash_seg_entry, Start
B -      7243 - auth_hash_seg_exit, Start
B -    575877 - elf_segs_hash_verify_entry, Start
B -    691603 - PBL, End
B -    691627 - SBL1, Start
B -    780040 - pm_device_init, Start
D -         6 - pm_device_init, Delta
B -    781554 - boot_flash_init, Start
D -     63074 - boot_flash_init, Delta
B -    848818 - boot_config_data_table_init, Start
D -      3854 - boot_config_data_table_init, Delta - (419 Bytes)
B -    856057 - clock_init, Start
D -      7587 - clock_init, Delta
B -    868060 - CDT version:2,Platform ID:8,Major ID:1,Minor ID:0,Subtype:0
B -    871550 - sbl1_ddr_set_params, Start
B -    876537 - cpr_init, Start
D -         2 - cpr_init, Delta
B -    881030 - Pre_DDR_clock_init, Start
D -         4 - Pre_DDR_clock_init, Delta
D -     13147 - sbl1_ddr_set_params, Delta
B -    894732 - pm_driver_init, Start
D -         2 - pm_driver_init, Delta
B -    965073 - sbl1_wait_for_ddr_training, Start
D -        29 - sbl1_wait_for_ddr_training, Delta
B -    980902 - Image Load, Start
D -    135036 - QSEE Image Loaded, Delta - (262104 Bytes)
B -   1116435 - Image Load, Start
D -      1449 - SEC Image Loaded, Delta - (2048 Bytes)
B -   1126805 - Image Load, Start
D -    221970 - APPSBL Image Loaded, Delta - (454031 Bytes)
B -   1349198 - QSEE Execution, Start
D -        58 - QSEE Execution, Delta
B -   1355378 - SBL1, End
D -    665861 - SBL1, Delta
S - Flash Throughput, 2005 KB/s  (718602 Bytes,  358319 us)
S - DDR Frequency, 537 MHz

U-Boot 2012.07-EWS330AP-uboot_version:V1.0.3 [Attitude Adjustment 12.09.1,2cdbe0a] (Oct 16 2017 - 17:48:39)

smem ram ptable found: ver: 1 len: 3
DRAM:  256 MiB
machid : 0x8010000
NAND:  0 MiB
FLASH:  SF: Detected W25Q256 with page size 64 KiB, total 32 MiB

ipq_spi: page_size: 0x100, sector_size: 0x10000, size: 0x2000000
32 MB
In:    serial
Out:   serial
Err:   serial
Net:   MAC0 addr:0:3:7f:ba:db:ad
PHY ID1: 0x4d
PHY ID2: 0xd0b2
ipq40xx_ess_sw_init done

Please choose the operation:
   2: Load Linux System code then write to Flash via TFTP.
   4: Entr boot command line interface.
   6: Load Linux Kernel then write to Flash via TFTP.
   7: Load Linux filesystem then write to Flash via TFTP.
   8: Load Linux uboot then write to Flash via TFTP.
   9: Load Boot Loader code then write to Flash via TFTP.
   e: Erase Boot Loader ENV config.
   ESC: Please input ESC to run Burn-in testing.                                                                                                                                                                                           0

Senao Uboot Init Ver.1.0.0
eth0 PHY0 Down Speed :10 Half duplex
eth0 PHY1 Down Speed :10 Half duplex
eth0 PHY2 Down Speed :10 Half duplex
eth0 PHY3 up Speed :1000 Full duplex
eth0 PHY4 Down Speed :10 Half duplex
bootargs=console=ttyMSM0,115200n8 rootwait
Booting from flash
Using nor device
sf probe &&sf read 0x84000000 0x200000 0x400000 &&
SF: Detected W25Q256 with page size 64 KiB, total 32 MiB

bootm 0x84000000#config@4
## Booting kernel from FIT Image at 84000000 ...
   Using 'config@4' configuration
   Trying 'kernel@1' kernel subimage
     Description:  ARM OpenWrt Linux-3.14.43
     Type:         Kernel Image
     Compression:  gzip compressed
     Data Start:   0x840000e4
     Data Size:    3179162 Bytes = 3 MiB
     Architecture: ARM
     OS:           Linux
     Load Address: 0x80208000
     Entry Point:  0x80208000
     Hash algo:    crc32
     Hash value:   12b47a4c
     Hash algo:    sha1
     Hash value:   9ac5354e87e9af763e053b25abcb0f5c5d086158
   Verifying Hash Integrity ... crc32+ sha1+ OK
## Flattened Device Tree from FIT Image at 84000000
   Using 'config@4' configuration
   Trying 'fdt@4' FDT blob subimage
     Description:  ARM OpenWrt qcom-ipq40xx-ap.dkxx device tree blob
     Type:         Flat Device Tree
     Compression:  uncompressed
     Data Start:   0x84325124
     Data Size:    33499 Bytes = 32.7 KiB
     Architecture: ARM
     Hash algo:    crc32
     Hash value:   dd584caf
     Hash algo:    sha1
     Hash value:   7c8857183d39be0c7137e9b1f06fb6b6170a7683
   Verifying Hash Integrity ... crc32+ sha1+ OK
   Booting using the fdt blob at 0x84325124
   Uncompressing Kernel Image ... OK
   Loading Device Tree to 86ff4000, end 86fff2da ... OK
eth0 MAC Address from ART is not valid
eth1 MAC Address from ART is not valid
Using machid 0x8010000 from environment

Starting kernel ...

[    0.000000] Booting Linux on physical CPU 0x0
[    0.000000] Linux version 3.14.43 (root@liwei) (gcc version 4.8.3 20140106 (prerelease) (Linaro GCC 4.8-2014.01) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Jan 30 14:47:07 CST 2019
[    0.000000] CPU: ARMv7 Processor [410fc075] revision 5 (ARMv7), cr=10c5387d
[    0.000000] CPU: PIPT / VIPT nonaliasing data cache, VIPT aliasing instruction cache
[    0.000000] Machine model: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. IPQ40xx/EWS330AP
[    0.000000] Memory policy: Data cache writealloc
[    0.000000] PERCPU: Embedded 7 pages/cpu @cfdca000 s8000 r8192 d12480 u32768
[    0.000000] Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on.  Total pages: 60928
[    0.000000] Kernel command line: console=ttyMSM0,115200n8 rootwait clk_ignore_unused
[    0.000000] PID hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
[    0.000000] Dentry cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
[    0.000000] Inode-cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
[    0.000000] Memory: 236280K/245760K available (4395K kernel code, 329K rwdata, 1480K rodata, 171K init, 591K bss, 9480K reserved, 0K highmem)
[    0.000000] Virtual kernel memory layout:
[    0.000000]     vector  : 0xffff0000 - 0xffff1000   (   4 kB)
[    0.000000]     fixmap  : 0xfff00000 - 0xfffe0000   ( 896 kB)
[    0.000000]     vmalloc : 0xd0800000 - 0xff000000   ( 744 MB)
[    0.000000]     lowmem  : 0xc0000000 - 0xd0000000   ( 256 MB)
[    0.000000]     pkmap   : 0xbfe00000 - 0xc0000000   (   2 MB)
[    0.000000]     modules : 0xbf000000 - 0xbfe00000   (  14 MB)
[    0.000000]       .text : 0xc0208000 - 0xc07c5110   (5877 kB)
[    0.000000]       .init : 0xc07c6000 - 0xc07f0f40   ( 172 kB)
[    0.000000]       .data : 0xc07f2000 - 0xc0844628   ( 330 kB)
[    0.000000]        .bss : 0xc0844628 - 0xc08d8598   ( 592 kB)
[    0.000000] SLUB: HWalign=64, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=4, Nodes=1
[    0.000000] Preemptible hierarchical RCU implementation.
[    0.000000] NR_IRQS:16 nr_irqs:16 16
[    0.000000] Architected cp15 timer(s) running at 48.00MHz (virt).
[    0.000008] sched_clock: 56 bits at 48MHz, resolution 20ns, wraps every 2863311552512ns
[    0.000017] Switching to timer-based delay loop
[    0.000209] Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency.. 96.00 BogoMIPS (lpj=480000)
[    0.000228] pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
[    0.000484] Mount-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
[    0.000498] Mountpoint-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
[    0.010649] CPU: Testing write buffer coherency: ok
[    0.011006] CPU0: thread -1, cpu 0, socket 0, mpidr 80000000
[    0.011083] Setting up static identity map for 0x80212fb0 - 0x80213008
[    0.090578] CPU1: Booted secondary processor
[    0.090622] CPU1: thread -1, cpu 1, socket 0, mpidr 80000001
[    0.110573] CPU2: Booted secondary processor
[    0.110610] CPU2: thread -1, cpu 2, socket 0, mpidr 80000002
[    0.130600] CPU3: Booted secondary processor
[    0.130634] CPU3: thread -1, cpu 3, socket 0, mpidr 80000003
[    0.130768] Brought up 4 CPUs
[    0.130811] SMP: Total of 4 processors activated (384.00 BogoMIPS).
[    0.130819] CPU: All CPU(s) started in SVC mode.
[    0.140812] VFP support v0.3: implementor 41 architecture 2 part 30 variant 7 rev 5
[    0.141189] pinctrl core: initialized pinctrl subsystem
[    0.141630] regulator-dummy: no parameters
[    0.142278] NET: Registered protocol family 16
[    0.143796] DMA: preallocated 2048 KiB pool for atomic coherent allocations
[    0.144343] cpuidle: using governor ladder
[    0.144356] cpuidle: using governor menu
[    0.152263]
[    0.152263] Version Rollback Feature Disabled
[    0.155720] sps:sps is ready.
[    0.160701] bio: create slab <bio-0> at 0
[    0.162513] SCSI subsystem initialized
[    0.163224] msm_bus_fabric_init_driver
[    0.163384] msm_bus_device 580000.ad-hoc-bus: Dev 4096
[    0.163409] msm_bus_device 580000.ad-hoc-bus: Util-fact is missing, default to 100
[    0.163424] msm_bus_device 580000.ad-hoc-bus: Vrail-comp is missing, default to 100
[    0.163442] msm_bus_device 580000.ad-hoc-bus: get_bus_node_device_data:Failed to get bus clk for bus4096 ctx0
[    0.163457] msm_bus_device 580000.ad-hoc-bus: Failed to get bus clk for bus4096 ctx1
[    0.163492] msm_bus_device 580000.ad-hoc-bus: Dev 1024
[    0.163513] msm_bus_device 580000.ad-hoc-bus: Util-fact is missing, default to 100
[    0.163527] msm_bus_device 580000.ad-hoc-bus: Vrail-comp is missing, default to 100
[    0.163543] msm_bus_device 580000.ad-hoc-bus: get_bus_node_device_data:Failed to get bus clk for bus1024 ctx0
[    0.163558] msm_bus_device 580000.ad-hoc-bus: Failed to get bus clk for bus1024 ctx1
[    0.188890] Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Initialized.
[    0.189606] pcie_init: pcie_init: unable to create IPC log context for pcie0-short
[    0.189621] pcie_init: pcie_init: unable to create IPC log context for pcie0-long
[    0.189889] Switched to clocksource arch_sys_counter
[    0.191683] NET: Registered protocol family 2
[    0.192901] TCP established hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
[    0.192949] TCP bind hash table entries: 2048 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
[    0.192998] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 2048 bind 2048)
[    0.193055] TCP: reno registered
[    0.193073] UDP hash table entries: 256 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
[    0.193106] UDP-Lite hash table entries: 256 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
[    0.193466] NET: Registered protocol family 1
[    0.195125] futex hash table entries: 1024 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
[    0.203962] squashfs: version 4.0 (2009/01/31) Phillip Lougher
[    0.203979] jffs2: version 2.2 (NAND) (SUMMARY) (LZMA) (RTIME) (CMODE_PRIORITY) (c) 2001-2006 Red Hat, Inc.
[    0.204896] msgmni has been set to 461
[    0.206254] Key type asymmetric registered
[    0.206271] Asymmetric key parser 'x509' registered
[    0.206313] io scheduler noop registered
[    0.206324] io scheduler deadline registered (default)
[    0.207465] tcsr 194b000.tcsr: setting usb hs phy mode select = e700e7
[    0.207531] tcsr 1953000.ess_tcsr: setting ess interface select = 0
[    0.207600] tcsr 1949000.tcsr: setting wifi_glb_cfg = 41000000
[    0.207670] tcsr 1957000.tcsr: setting wifi_noc_memtype_m0_m2 = 2222222
[    0.208292] Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 2 ports, IRQ sharing disabled
[    0.209384] msm_serial_hsl_probe: detected port #0 (ttyMSM0)
[    0.209423] msm_serial_hsl_probe: Bus scaling is disabled
[    0.209579] 78af000.serial: ttyMSM0 at MMIO 0x78af000 (irq = 139, base_baud = 115200) is a MSM
[    0.209656] msm_hsl_console_setup: console setup on port #0
[    0.794427] console [ttyMSM0] enabled
[    0.798508] msm_serial_hsl_init: driver initialized
[    0.803353] msm_serial_hs module loaded
[    0.809515] sps: BAM device 0x07884000 is not registered yet.
[    0.814285] sps:BAM 0x07884000 is registered.
[    0.819663] sps:BAM 0x07884000 (va:0xd0b40000) enabled: ver:0x19, number of pipes:12
[    0.826831] m25p80 spi0.0: found w25q256, expected n25q128a11
[    0.832488] m25p80 spi0.0: w25q256 (32768 Kbytes)
[    0.837007] 11 ofpart partitions found on MTD device spi0.0
[    0.842533] Creating 11 MTD partitions on "spi0.0":
[    0.847380] 0x000000000000-0x000000040000 : "0:SBL1"
[    0.853485] 0x000000040000-0x000000060000 : "0:MIBIB"
[    0.858539] 0x000000060000-0x0000000c0000 : "0:QSEE"
[    0.863561] 0x0000000c0000-0x0000000d0000 : "0:CDT"
[    0.868429] 0x0000000d0000-0x0000000e0000 : "0:DDRPARAMS"
[    0.873913] 0x0000000e0000-0x0000000f0000 : "0:APPSBLENV"
[    0.879324] 0x0000000f0000-0x000000170000 : "0:APPSBL"
[    0.884511] 0x000000170000-0x000000180000 : "0:ART"
[    0.889316] 0x000000180000-0x000000200000 : "userconfig"
[    0.894669] 0x000000200000-0x000000600000 : "0:HLOS"
[    0.899527] 0x000000600000-0x000002000000 : "rootfs"
[    0.904456] mtd: device 10 (rootfs) set to be root filesystem
[    0.909935] 1 squashfs-split partitions found on MTD device rootfs
[    0.915446] 0x000001620000-0x000002000000 : "rootfs_data"
[    0.922836] libphy: ipq40xx_mdio: probed
[    0.929294] ipq40xx-mdio 90000.mdio: ipq40xx-mdio driver was registered
[    0.934962] i2c /dev entries driver
[    0.940143] sdhci: Secure Digital Host Controller Interface driver
[    0.945287] sdhci: Copyright(c) Pierre Ossman
[    0.949628] sdhci-pltfm: SDHCI platform and OF driver helper
[    0.958827] nf_conntrack version 0.5.0 (3691 buckets, 14764 max)
[    0.964542] TCP: cubic registered
[    0.967745] NET: Registered protocol family 10
[    0.972575] NET: Registered protocol family 17
[    0.976091] Bridge firewalling registered
[    0.980013] 8021q: 802.1Q VLAN Support v1.8
[    0.984253] Registering SWP/SWPB emulation handler
[    0.990107] regulator-dummy: disabling
[    0.993201] drivers/rtc/hctosys.c: unable to open rtc device (rtc0)
[    1.002411] clk: Not disabling unused clocks
[    1.005651] ALSA device list:
[    1.008599]   No soundcards found.
[    1.024570] VFS: Mounted root (squashfs filesystem) readonly on device 31:10.
[    1.030972] Freeing unused kernel memory: 168K (c07c6000 - c07f0000)
[    2.725792] random: nonblocking pool is initialized
- preinit -
- regular preinit -
[    3.760981] jffs2: notice: (163) jffs2_build_xattr_subsystem: complete building xattr subsystem, 58 of xdatum (1 unchecked, 57 orphan) and 115 of xref (0 dead, 84 orphan) found.
switching to jffs2
- init -

Please press Enter to activate this console. == boot_mode_sel 0 ==
[    9.820469] QCE50: __qce_init_clk: Unable to get CE core src clk, set to NULL
[    9.826659] qcrypto 8e20000.qcrypto: Qualcomm Crypto 5.3.1 device found @0x8e20000
[    9.834199] qcrypto 8e20000.qcrypto: CE device = 0x0
[    9.834199] , IO base, CE = 0xd0fc0000
[    9.834199] , Consumer (IN) PIPE 2,    Producer (OUT) PIPE 3
[    9.834199] IO base BAM = 0x  (null)
[    9.834199] BAM IRQ 239
[    9.834199] Engines Availability = 0x2010453
[    9.858796] sps:BAM 0x08e04000 is registered.
[    9.863860] sps:BAM 0x08e04000 (va:0xd1000000) enabled: ver:0x27, number of pipes:4
[    9.871661] QCE50: qce_sps_init:  Qualcomm MSM CE-BAM at 0x0000000008e04000 irq 239
[    9.878629] bus_scale_table is NULL
[    9.881977] qcrypto 8e20000.qcrypto: qcrypto-ecb-aes
[    9.886841] qcrypto 8e20000.qcrypto: qcrypto-cbc-aes
[    9.891804] qcrypto 8e20000.qcrypto: qcrypto-ctr-aes
[    9.896725] qcrypto 8e20000.qcrypto: qcrypto-ecb-des
[    9.901704] qcrypto 8e20000.qcrypto: qcrypto-cbc-des
[    9.906624] qcrypto 8e20000.qcrypto: qcrypto-ecb-3des
[    9.911675] qcrypto 8e20000.qcrypto: qcrypto-cbc-3des
[    9.916689] qcrypto 8e20000.qcrypto: qcrypto-xts-aes
[    9.921657] qcrypto 8e20000.qcrypto: qcrypto-sha1
[    9.926326] qcrypto 8e20000.qcrypto: qcrypto-sha256
[    9.931208] qcrypto 8e20000.qcrypto: qcrypto-aead-hmac-sha1-cbc-aes
[    9.937436] qcrypto 8e20000.qcrypto: qcrypto-aead-hmac-sha1-cbc-des
[    9.943706] qcrypto 8e20000.qcrypto: qcrypto-aead-hmac-sha1-cbc-3des
[    9.950040] qcrypto 8e20000.qcrypto: qcrypto-aead-hmac-sha256-cbc-aes
[    9.956451] qcrypto 8e20000.qcrypto: qcrypto-aead-hmac-sha256-cbc-des
[    9.962890] qcrypto 8e20000.qcrypto: qcrypto-aead-hmac-sha256-cbc-3des
[    9.969379] qcrypto 8e20000.qcrypto: qcrypto-hmac-sha1
[    9.974532] qcrypto 8e20000.qcrypto: qcrypto-hmac-sha256
[    9.979797] qcrypto 8e20000.qcrypto: qcrypto-aes-ccm
[    9.984763] qcrypto 8e20000.qcrypto: qcrypto-rfc4309-aes-ccm
[    9.990305] qcrypto: FIPS140-2 Known Answer Tests: Skipped
[    9.999429] nlh_module: module license 'Proprietary' taints kernel.
[   10.004702] Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint
[   10.010435] Entering: nlh_init
[   10.020088] NTFS driver 2.1.30 [Flags: R/O MODULE].
[   10.029787] PPP generic driver version 2.4.2
[   10.283464] ess-switch DT exist!
[   10.285683] switchreg_base_addr: 0xc000000
[   10.289742] switchreg_size: 0x80000
[   10.293258] switch_access_mode: local bus
[   10.297212] wan bmp:0x0
[   10.299650] ess-psgmii DT exist!
[   10.302876] mac mode=0
[   10.305194] current mac mode = 0
[   10.308407] current dts led_source_num is 0
[   10.312602] mdio DT exist!
[   10.315268] ssdk_plat_init start
[   10.318613] enable ess clk
[   10.431463] reset ok in probe!
[   10.434007] PHY ID is 0x4dd0b2
[   10.496476] qca probe malibu phy driver succeeded!
[   14.023600] Dakota Chip version 0x1401
[   14.027682] qca-ssdk module init succeeded!
[   14.032656] tun: Universal TUN/TAP device driver, 1.6
[   14.036676] tun: (C) 1999-2004 Max Krasnyansky <maxk@qualcomm.com>
[   14.048707] **********************************************************
[   14.054250] * Driver    :NSS GMAC Driver for RTL v(3.72a)
[   14.059587] * Version   :1.0
[   14.062475] * Copyright :Copyright (c) 2013-2016 The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
[   14.070824] **********************************************************
[   14.087879] qca-nss-drv.ko is loaded for symbol link
[   14.093545] sit: IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling driver
[   14.111210] ath_hal: (AR5416, AR9380, WRITE_EEPROM, 11D)
[   14.118492] ath_rate_atheros: Copyright (c) 2001-2005 Atheros Communications, Inc, All Rights Reserved
[   14.129017] ath_dfs: Version 2.0.0
[   14.129017] Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Atheros Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved
[   14.141238] ath_spectral: Version 2.0.0
[   14.141238] Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Atheros Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved
[   14.153075] ath_tx99: Version 2.0
[   14.153075] Copyright (c) 2010 Atheros Communications, Inc, All Rights Reserved
[   15.443391] ol_ath_ahb_probe
[   15.445328] ol_ath_ahb_probe: io resource start: 0xa000000, mem=0xd1800000
[   15.452170]  *********** Dakota *************
[   15.456717]
[   15.456717] __ol_ath_attach() Allocated scn ce7004c0
[   15.462898] ol_ath_ahb_configure: MSI addr: 0b006040, MSI base: 00000040
[   15.469717] ath10k_ahb a000000.wifi: ath DEBUG: sc=0xced08c00
[   15.475300]
[   15.475300]  ol_ath_ahb_configure : num_desired MSI set to 0
[   15.482444]
[   15.482444]  Using Legacy Interrupt
[   15.487345]
[   15.487345]  Waiting for target init
[   15.492392]
[   15.492392]  Done waiting
[   15.496491] nss is not enabled on this platform
[   15.500989] nss register id -1 offload mode enabled = 0 nss config 0 Target Type b host radio id 0
[   15.512837]
[   15.512837]  CLOCK PLL skipped
[   15.516547] __ol_ath_attach: dev name wifi0
[   15.520638] ol_ath_attach interface_id 0
[   15.524690] ol_target_init() BMI inited.
[   15.528622] ol_target_init() BMI Get Target Info.
[   15.533123] Chip id: 0xb, chip version: 0x1000000
[   15.537776]
[   15.537776]  CE WAR Disabled
[   15.542272] NUM_DEV=1 FWMODE=0x2 FWSUBMODE=0x0 FWBR_BUF 0
[   15.547687] ol_target_init() configure Target .
[   15.552121]
[   15.552121]  Target Version is 1000000
[   15.557223]
[   15.557223]  Flash Download Address  c0000
[   15.562880] ol_transfer_bin_file: flash data file defined
[   15.568247] ol_transfer_bin_file[4322] Get Caldata for wifi0.
[   15.574034] __adf_os_fs_read[42], Open File /tmp/wifi0.caldata SUCCESS!!
[   15.580673] file system magic:16914836
[   15.584477] super blocksize:4096
[   15.587776] inode 2323
[   15.590219] file size:12064
[   15.593153] qc98xx_verify_checksum: flash checksum passed: 0x5e78
[   15.599151] ol_transfer_bin_file 4383: Download Flash data len 12064
[   15.605847] Board extended Data download address: 0x0
[   15.630089]
[   15.630089]  Board data initialized
[   15.634067] ol_ath_download_firmware: Download OTP, flash download ADDRESS 0xc0000
[   15.641589]
[   15.641589]  Selecting  OTP binary for CHIP Version 0
[   15.718468] ath10k_ahb a000000.wifi: Firmware loaded from user helper succesfully
[   15.724969] ol_transfer_bin_file 4203: downloading file 0, Download data len 4424
[   15.747994]
[   15.747994]  First OTP send param 8000
[   15.756978] ol_ath_download_firmware :First OTP download and Execute is good address:0x4000 return param 4660
[   15.765868] ol_ath_download_firmware:##Board Id 16 , CHIP Id 0
[   15.771779] ol_ath_download_firmware: BOARDDATA DOWNLOAD TO address 0xc0000
[   15.778622]
[   15.778622]  wifi0: Selecting board data file name boardData_1_0_IPQ4019_Y9803_wifi0.bin
[   15.788183] ol_transfer_bin_file: Board Data File download to address=0xc0000 file name=IPQ4019/hw.1/boardData_1_0_IPQ4019_Y9803_wifi0.bin
[   15.819736] ath10k_ahb a000000.wifi: Firmware loaded from user helper succesfully
[   15.826246] ol_transfer_bin_file 4203: downloading file 3, Download data len 12064
[   15.834130] Board extended Data download address: 0x0
[   15.858522] ol_ath_download_firmware: Using 0x1234 for the remainder of init
[   15.864556]
[   15.864556]  Selecting  OTP binary for CHIP Version 0
[   15.871210] ath10k_ahb a000000.wifi: Firmware loaded from user helper succesfully
[   15.878517] ol_transfer_bin_file 4203: downloading file 0, Download data len 4424
[   15.901541]
[   15.901541]  [Flash] : Ignore Module param
[   15.906082]
[   15.906082]  Second otp download Param 10000
[   15.922142] ol_ath_download_firmware : Second OTP download and Execute is good, param=0x0
[   15.929368]
[   15.929368]  Mission mode: Firmware CHIP Version 0
[   15.996675] ath10k_ahb a000000.wifi: Firmware loaded from user helper succesfully
[   16.003436] ol_swap_seg_alloc: Successfully allocated memory for SWAP size=262144
[   16.011177] ath10k_ahb a000000.wifi: Firmware loaded from user helper succesfully
[   16.018343] Swap: bytes_left to copy: fw:16; dma_page:109605
[   16.023845] Swap: wrong length read:0
[   16.027442] ol_swap_wlan_memory_expansion: Swap total_bytes copied: 152539 Target address 416ff0
[   16.036432] scn=ce7004c0  target_write_addr=416ff0 seg_info=cee53e10
[   16.042737] ol_transfer_swap_struct:Code swap structure successfully downloaded for bin type =2
[   16.051539] bin_filename=IPQ4019/hw.1/athwlan.bin swap_filename=/lib/firmware/IPQ4019/hw.1/athwlan.codeswap.bin
[   16.061746] ol_transfer_bin_file: Downloading firmware file: IPQ4019/hw.1/athwlan.bin
[   16.631714] ath10k_ahb a000000.wifi: Firmware loaded from user helper succesfully
[   16.638187] ol_transfer_bin_file 4203: downloading file 1, Download data len 364572
[   17.864739] ol_target_init() Download FW done.
[   17.868318] ol_ath_attach() WMI attached. wmi_handle cde30000
[   17.874154] htc_wmi_init() HT Create . cf14e800
[   17.878571] htc_wmi_init() HIF Claim.
[   17.882305] htc_wmi_init 7687 host_enable 0 nss_nwifi_offload 0
[   17.888124] ol_ath_set_default_tgt_config : AC Minfree buffer allocation through module param (umac.ko)
[   17.897513]  OL_ACBKMinfree : 0
[   17.900633]  OL_ACBEMinfree : 0
[   17.903744]  OL_ACVIMinfree : 0
[   17.906867]  OL_ACVOMinfree : 0
[   17.914820] CE_recv_buf_enqueue 877 Populate last entry 512 for CE 5
[   17.920183] CE_recv_buf_enqueue 886 CE 5 wi 511 dest_ptr 0x8d972040 nbytes 0 recv_ctxt 0xce5779c0
[   17.929681] Startup Mode-0 set
[   17.932057] pdev attach   (null) -1
[   17.935596]
[   17.935596] <=== cfg max peer id 1056 ====>
[   17.941536] HTC Service:0x0300 ep:1 TX flow control disabled
[   17.947239] htt_peer_map_timer_init Enter pdev cd9f8000 hrtimer cd9fc840
[   17.953597]
[   17.953597]  htt_alloc_peer_map_mem : Alloc Success : host q vaddr cf9ec000 paddr 8f9ec000
[   17.963303]
[   17.963303]  htt_alloc_peer_map_mem : Flush Interval Configured to 256 pkts
[   17.974798] CE_pkt_dl_len_set CE 4 Pkt download length 64
[   17.979317] ol_txrx_pdev_attach: 2500 tx desc's allocated ; range starts from cd6a0000
[   17.988218] HTC Service:0x0100 ep:2 TX flow control disabled
[   17.993903] wmi_service_ready_event_rx:  WMI UNIFIED SERVICE READY event
[   17.999731] Firmware_Build_Number:92
[   18.003333] num_rf_chain:0x00000002  ht_cap_info:0x0000085b  vht_cap_info:0x339959b2  vht_supp_mcs:0x0000fffa
[   18.013208]
[   18.013208]  RES CFG Support wmi_service_bitmap 9778
[   18.019721]
 Sending Ext resource cfg: HOST PLATFORM as 0 and fw_feature_bitmap as 50 to TGT
[   18.028281] ol_ath_service_ready_event: tt_support: 1
[   18.033445] ol_ath_service_ready_event: periodic_chan_stats: 1
[   18.039248] ol_ath_service_ready_event: sw_cal_support_check_flag: 1
[   18.045600] Peer Caching Enabled ; num_peers = 530, num_active_peers = 52 num_tids = 104, num_vdevs = 17
[   18.055127] idx 1 req 2  num_units 1 num_unit_info 12 unit size 256 actual units 53
[   18.062830] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 2 idx 0 num_units 53 unit_len 256,
[   18.070255] idx 2 req 3  num_units 1 num_unit_info 12 unit size 1024 actual units 53
[   18.078108] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 3 idx 1 num_units 53 unit_len 1024,
[   18.085619] idx 3 req 4  num_units 1 num_unit_info 12 unit size 4096 actual units 53
[   18.093588] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 4 idx 2 num_units 53 unit_len 4096,
[   18.100982] idx 0 req 1  num_units 0 num_unit_info 2 unit size 744 actual units 531
[   18.108845] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 1 idx 3 num_units 265 unit_len 744,
[   18.116410] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 1 idx 4 num_units 266 unit_len 744,
[   18.123811] idx 4 req 6  num_units 35 num_unit_info 0 unit size 3072 actual units 35
[   18.131714] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 6 idx 5 num_units 35 unit_len 3072,
[   18.139165] idx 5 req 7  num_units 1 num_unit_info 0 unit size 6144 actual units 1
[   18.146827] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 7 idx 6 num_units 1 unit_len 6144,
[   18.154280] idx 6 req 5  num_units 0 num_unit_info 2 unit size 2036 actual units 531
[   18.162252] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 5 idx 7 num_units 106 unit_len 2036,
[   18.169894] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 5 idx 8 num_units 106 unit_len 2036,
[   18.177527] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 5 idx 9 num_units 106 unit_len 2036,
[   18.185168] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 5 idx 10 num_units 106 unit_len 2036,
[   18.192906] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 5 idx 11 num_units 107 unit_len 2036,
[   18.200462] chunk 0 len 13568 requested ,ptr  0x8d688000
[   18.205831] chunk 1 len 54272 requested ,ptr  0x8d690000
[   18.211221] chunk 2 len 217088 requested ,ptr  0x8d700000
[   18.216680] chunk 3 len 197160 requested ,ptr  0x8d740000
[   18.222155] chunk 4 len 197904 requested ,ptr  0x8d780000
[   18.227617] chunk 5 len 107520 requested ,ptr  0x8d7c0000
[   18.233094] chunk 6 len 6144 requested ,ptr  0x8d646000
[   18.238380] chunk 7 len 215816 requested ,ptr  0x8d000000
[   18.243859] chunk 8 len 215816 requested ,ptr  0x8d040000
[   18.249319] chunk 9 len 215816 requested ,ptr  0x8d080000
[   18.254793] chunk 10 len 215816 requested ,ptr  0x8d0c0000
[   18.260351] chunk 11 len 217852 requested ,ptr  0x8d100000
[   18.265914] ol_ath_service_ready_event[4079] WAPI MBSSID 2
[   18.307403] wmi_ready_event_rx:  WMI UNIFIED READY event
[   18.311807] ol_ath_connect_htc() WMI is ready
[   18.316141] htt_h2t_frag_desc_bank_cfg_msg - HTT_H2T_MSG_TYPE_FRAG_DESC_BANK_CFG sent to FW for radio ID = 0
[   18.330988] ol_ath_attach() connect HTC.
[   18.333979] target uses HTT version 2.2; host uses 2.2
[   18.339097] bypasswmi : 0
[   18.341709] ol_regdmn_start: reg-domain param: regdmn=0, countryName=, wModeSelect=FFFFFFFF, netBand=FFFFFFFF, extendedChanMode=0.
[   18.353425]
[   18.353425] [5G AC] scn_handle->scn_disable_band=15,[1,1,1,1]
[   18.360644] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x680c (0x2) flags 0x2150
[   18.367475] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x680c (0x1) flags 0x140
[   18.374294] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x680c (0x20) flags 0xd0
[   18.381027] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x680c (0x40) flags 0x150
[   18.387914] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x680c (0x1000) flags 0x10100
[   18.395097] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x680c (0x8000) flags 0x20100
[   18.402295] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x680c (0x10000) flags 0x40100
[   18.409577] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x680c (0x20000) flags 0x100100
[   18.416962] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x680c (0x40000) flags 0x200100
[   18.424340] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x680c (0x80000) flags 0x400100
[   18.431719] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x680c (0x100000) flags 0x800100
[   18.439178] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x680c (0x200000) flags 0x4000100
[   18.446736] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x680c (0x400000) flags 0x8000100
[   18.454551] OL Resmgr Init-ed
[   18.457391] acfg_attach: 2891: Netlink socket created:cf127400
[   18.463094] SPECTRAL : get_capability not registered
[   18.467995] HAL_CAP_PHYDIAG : Capable
[   18.471652] SPECTRAL : Need to fix the capablity check for RADAR (spectral_attach : 237)
[   18.479713] SPECTRAL : get_capability not registered
[   18.484666] HAL_CAP_RADAR   : Capable
[   18.488308] SPECTRAL : Need to fix the capablity check for SPECTRAL
[   18.488308]  (spectral_attach : 242)
[   18.498122] SPECTRAL : get_capability not registered
[   18.503068] HAL_CAP_SPECTRAL_SCAN : Capable
[   18.507230] SPECTRAL : get_tsf64 not registered
[   18.511787] spectral_init_netlink 78 NULL SKB
[   18.516092] Green-AP : Green-AP : Attached
[   18.516092]
[   18.521650] Green-AP : Attached
[   18.524763] rate power table override is only supported for AR98XX
[   18.531057] ol_ath_smart_ant_attach: Hardware doest not support Smart Antenna.
[   18.538148] ieee80211com_init_netlink: 3493: Wifipos 1st Netlink socket created:cd68c400
[   18.546266] ol_if_dfs_attach: called; ptr=cd739984, radar_info=ceeb7c60
[   18.552815] dfs_attach: event log enabled by default
[   18.559247] ipq4019_wifi_led_init: Wifi LED init failed.. Couldn't get led gpio/led source
[   18.566593] ol_ath_attach() UMAC attach .
[   18.570655]
[   18.570655]  BURSTING enabled by default
[   18.576133] ol_ath_attach: Set global_ic[1] ..ptr:bf4e0414
[   18.581562] osif_wrap_attach:441 osif wrap attached
[   18.586393] osif_wrap_devt_init:402 osif wrap dev table init done
[   18.592451]  Wrap Attached: Wrap_com =cf145a00 ic->ic_wrap_com=cf145a00 &wrap_com->wc_devt=cf145a00
[   18.601559] __ol_ath_attach: needed_headroom reservation 60
[   18.609111] ol_ath_thermal_mitigation_attach: --
[   18.612786] offload dynamic register sysctl on dev name : wifi0  successful!
[   18.612786]
[   18.621330] ol_ath_ahb_probe
[   18.624146] ol_ath_ahb_probe: io resource start: 0xa800000, mem=0xd2000000
[   18.630945]  *********** Dakota *************
[   18.635544]
[   18.635544] __ol_ath_attach() Allocated scn cd2004c0
[   18.641725] ol_ath_ahb_configure: MSI addr: 0b006040, MSI base: 00000050
[   18.648560] ath10k_ahb a800000.wifi: ath DEBUG: sc=0xcd68e000
[   18.654137]
[   18.654137]  ol_ath_ahb_configure : num_desired MSI set to 0
[   18.661265]
[   18.661265]  Using Legacy Interrupt
[   18.666176]
[   18.666176]  Waiting for target init
[   18.671219]
[   18.671219]  Done waiting
[   18.675323] nss is not enabled on this platform
[   18.679806] nss register id -1 offload mode enabled = 0 nss config 0 Target Type b host radio id 1
[   18.694386]
[   18.694386]  CLOCK PLL skipped
[   18.699062] __ol_ath_attach: dev name wifi1
[   18.702251] ol_ath_attach interface_id 1
[   18.706346] ol_target_init() BMI inited.
[   18.710140] ol_target_init() BMI Get Target Info.
[   18.714716] Chip id: 0xb, chip version: 0x1000000
[   18.719399]
[   18.719399]  CE WAR Disabled
[   18.723893] NUM_DEV=1 FWMODE=0x2 FWSUBMODE=0x0 FWBR_BUF 0
[   18.729313] ol_target_init() configure Target .
[   18.733739]
[   18.733739]  Target Version is 1000000
[   18.738847]
[   18.738847]  Flash Download Address  c0000
[   18.744497] ol_transfer_bin_file: flash data file defined
[   18.749883] ol_transfer_bin_file[4322] Get Caldata for wifi1.
[   18.755645] __adf_os_fs_read[42], Open File /tmp/wifi1.caldata SUCCESS!!
[   18.762296] file system magic:16914836
[   18.766101] super blocksize:4096
[   18.769401] inode 686
[   18.771751] file size:12064
[   18.774687] qc98xx_verify_checksum: flash checksum passed: 0xbca8
[   18.780700] ol_transfer_bin_file 4383: Download Flash data len 12064
[   18.787368] Board extended Data download address: 0x0
[   18.811636]
[   18.811636]  Board data initialized
[   18.815624] ol_ath_download_firmware: Download OTP, flash download ADDRESS 0xc0000
[   18.823137]
[   18.823137]  Selecting  OTP binary for CHIP Version 0
[   18.829772] ath10k_ahb a800000.wifi: Firmware loaded from user helper succesfully
[   18.837145] ol_transfer_bin_file 4203: downloading file 0, Download data len 4424
[   18.860110]
[   18.860110]  First OTP send param 8000
[   18.868979] ol_ath_download_firmware :First OTP download and Execute is good address:0x4400 return param 4660
[   18.877873] ol_ath_download_firmware:##Board Id 17 , CHIP Id 0
[   18.883778] ol_ath_download_firmware: BOARDDATA DOWNLOAD TO address 0xc0000
[   18.890700] [wifi0] FWLOG: [42449] WAL_DBGID_TX_AC_BUFFER_SET ( 0x3, 0x1e, 0x94c, 0x94c, 0x0 )
[   18.899205] [wifi0]
[   18.901237]
[   18.901237]  wifi1: Selecting board data file name boardData_1_0_IPQ4019_Y9803_wifi1.bin
[   18.910958] FWLOG: [42449] WAL_DBGID_TX_AC_BUFFER_SET ( 0x12, 0x1e, 0x94c, 0x94c, 0x0 )
[   18.918911] [wifi0] [   18.919917] ol_transfer_bin_file: Board Data File download to address=0xc0000 file name=IPQ4019/hw.1/boardData_1_0_IPQ4019_Y9803_wifi1.bin

[   18.933362] FWLOG: [42449] WAL_DBGID_TX_AC_BUFFER_SET ( 0x45, 0x1e, 0x94c, 0x94c, 0x0 )
[   18.941491] [wifi0] FWLOG: [42449] WAL_DBGID_TX_AC_BUFFER_SET ( 0x67, 0x1e, 0x94c[   18.948774] ath10k_ahb a800000.wifi: Firmware loaded from user helper succesfully
[   18.948792] ol_transfer_bin_file 4203: downloading file 3, Download data len 12064

[   18.963846] , [   18.963854] Board extended Data download address: 0x0
[   18.970515] 0x94c, 0x0 )
[   18.991284] ol_ath_download_firmware: Using 0x1234 for the remainder of init
[   18.997305]
[   18.997305]  Selecting  OTP binary for CHIP Version 0
[   19.003955] ath10k_ahb a800000.wifi: Firmware loaded from user helper succesfully
[   19.011312] ol_transfer_bin_file 4203: downloading file 0, Download data len 4424
[   19.034268]
[   19.034268]  [Flash] : Ignore Module param
[   19.038818]
[   19.038818]  Second otp download Param 10000
[   19.055147] ol_ath_download_firmware : Second OTP download and Execute is good, param=0x0
[   19.062415]
[   19.062415]  Mission mode: Firmware CHIP Version 0
[   19.069073] ath10k_ahb a800000.wifi: Firmware loaded from user helper succesfully
[   19.076390] ol_swap_seg_alloc: Successfully allocated memory for SWAP size=262144
[   19.084079] ath10k_ahb a800000.wifi: Firmware loaded from user helper succesfully
[   19.091345] Swap: bytes_left to copy: fw:16; dma_page:109605
[   19.096759] Swap: wrong length read:0
[   19.100441] ol_swap_wlan_memory_expansion: Swap total_bytes copied: 152539 Target address 416ff0
[   19.109376] scn=cd2004c0  target_write_addr=416ff0 seg_info=cee53b10
[   19.115696] ol_transfer_swap_struct:Code swap structure successfully downloaded for bin type =2
[   19.124456] bin_filename=IPQ4019/hw.1/athwlan.bin swap_filename=/lib/firmware/IPQ4019/hw.1/athwlan.codeswap.bin
[   19.134644] ol_transfer_bin_file: Downloading firmware file: IPQ4019/hw.1/athwlan.bin
[   19.143411] ath10k_ahb a800000.wifi: Firmware loaded from user helper succesfully
[   19.149932] ol_transfer_bin_file 4203: downloading file 1, Download data len 364572
[   20.376306] ol_target_init() Download FW done.
[   20.379926] ol_ath_attach() WMI attached. wmi_handle cd250000
[   20.385693] htc_wmi_init() HT Create . cf14d000
[   20.390158] htc_wmi_init() HIF Claim.
[   20.393854] htc_wmi_init 7687 host_enable 0 nss_nwifi_offload 0
[   20.399701] ol_ath_set_default_tgt_config : AC Minfree buffer allocation through module param (umac.ko)
[   20.409079]  OL_ACBKMinfree : 0
[   20.412202]  OL_ACBEMinfree : 0
[   20.415317]  OL_ACVIMinfree : 0
[   20.418442]  OL_ACVOMinfree : 0
[   20.426446] CE_recv_buf_enqueue 877 Populate last entry 512 for CE 5
[   20.431806] CE_recv_buf_enqueue 886 CE 5 wi 511 dest_ptr 0x8cf38040 nbytes 0 recv_ctxt 0xcce3e6c0
[   20.441318] Startup Mode-0 set
[   20.443676] pdev attach   (null) -1
[   20.447228]
[   20.447228] <=== cfg max peer id 1056 ====>
[   20.453184] HTC Service:0x0300 ep:1 TX flow control disabled
[   20.458880] htt_peer_map_timer_init Enter pdev ccfc8000 hrtimer ccfcc840
[   20.465237]
[   20.465237]  htt_alloc_peer_map_mem : Alloc Success : host q vaddr cd2e4000 paddr 8d2e4000
[   20.474932]
[   20.474932]  htt_alloc_peer_map_mem : Flush Interval Configured to 256 pkts
[   20.486468] CE_pkt_dl_len_set CE 4 Pkt download length 64
[   20.491012] ol_txrx_pdev_attach: 2500 tx desc's allocated ; range starts from cc460000
[   20.499858] HTC Service:0x0100 ep:2 TX flow control disabled
[   20.505548] wmi_service_ready_event_rx:  WMI UNIFIED SERVICE READY event
[   20.511378] Firmware_Build_Number:92
[   20.514958] num_rf_chain:0x00000002  ht_cap_info:0x0000085b  vht_cap_info:0x339959b2  vht_supp_mcs:0x0000fffa
[   20.524855]
[   20.524855]  RES CFG Support wmi_service_bitmap 9778
[   20.531379]
 Sending Ext resource cfg: HOST PLATFORM as 0 and fw_feature_bitmap as 50 to TGT
[   20.539927] ol_ath_service_ready_event: tt_support: 1
[   20.545083] ol_ath_service_ready_event: periodic_chan_stats: 1
[   20.550905] ol_ath_service_ready_event: sw_cal_support_check_flag: 1
[   20.557239] Peer Caching Enabled ; num_peers = 530, num_active_peers = 52 num_tids = 104, num_vdevs = 17
[   20.566758] idx 1 req 2  num_units 1 num_unit_info 12 unit size 256 actual units 53
[   20.574482] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 2 idx 0 num_units 53 unit_len 256,
[   20.581901] idx 2 req 3  num_units 1 num_unit_info 12 unit size 1024 actual units 53
[   20.589753] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 3 idx 1 num_units 53 unit_len 1024,
[   20.597264] idx 3 req 4  num_units 1 num_unit_info 12 unit size 4096 actual units 53
[   20.605242] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 4 idx 2 num_units 53 unit_len 4096,
[   20.612672] idx 0 req 1  num_units 0 num_unit_info 2 unit size 744 actual units 531
[   20.620511] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 1 idx 3 num_units 265 unit_len 744,
[   20.628058] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 1 idx 4 num_units 266 unit_len 744,
[   20.635460] idx 4 req 6  num_units 35 num_unit_info 0 unit size 3072 actual units 35
[   20.643356] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 6 idx 5 num_units 35 unit_len 3072,
[   20.650821] idx 5 req 7  num_units 1 num_unit_info 0 unit size 6144 actual units 1
[   20.658466] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 7 idx 6 num_units 1 unit_len 6144,
[   20.665927] idx 6 req 5  num_units 0 num_unit_info 2 unit size 2036 actual units 531
[   20.673898] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 5 idx 7 num_units 106 unit_len 2036,
[   20.681543] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 5 idx 8 num_units 106 unit_len 2036,
[   20.689169] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 5 idx 9 num_units 106 unit_len 2036,
[   20.696827] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 5 idx 10 num_units 106 unit_len 2036,
[   20.704542] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 5 idx 11 num_units 107 unit_len 2036,
[   20.712106] chunk 0 len 13568 requested ,ptr  0x8c450000
[   20.717476] chunk 1 len 54272 requested ,ptr  0x8c4c0000
[   20.722876] chunk 2 len 217088 requested ,ptr  0x8c500000
[   20.728328] chunk 3 len 197160 requested ,ptr  0x8c540000
[   20.733804] chunk 4 len 197904 requested ,ptr  0x8c580000
[   20.739266] chunk 5 len 107520 requested ,ptr  0x8c4e0000
[   20.744740] chunk 6 len 6144 requested ,ptr  0x8cb3e000
[   20.750035] chunk 7 len 215816 requested ,ptr  0x8c5c0000
[   20.755497] chunk 8 len 215816 requested ,ptr  0x8c600000
[   20.760972] chunk 9 len 215816 requested ,ptr  0x8c640000
[   20.766435] chunk 10 len 215816 requested ,ptr  0x8c680000
[   20.771998] chunk 11 len 217852 requested ,ptr  0x8c6c0000
[   20.777562] ol_ath_service_ready_event[4079] WAPI MBSSID 2
[   20.819959] wmi_ready_event_rx:  WMI UNIFIED READY event
[   20.824367] ol_ath_connect_htc() WMI is ready
[   20.828699] htt_h2t_frag_desc_bank_cfg_msg - HTT_H2T_MSG_TYPE_FRAG_DESC_BANK_CFG sent to FW for radio ID = 1
[   20.843545] ol_ath_attach() connect HTC.
[   20.846537] target uses HTT version 2.2; host uses 2.2
[   20.851684] bypasswmi : 0
[   20.854260] ol_regdmn_start: reg-domain param: regdmn=0, countryName=, wModeSelect=FFFFFFFF, netBand=FFFFFFFF, extendedChanMode=0.
[   20.865984]
[   20.865984] [5G AC] scn_handle->scn_disable_band=15,[1,1,1,1]
[   20.873204] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x1f9001 (0x2) flags 0x2150
[   20.880256] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x1f9001 (0x4) flags 0xa0
[   20.887068] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x1f9001 (0x8) flags 0xc0
[   20.893932] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x1f9001 (0x20) flags 0xd0
[   20.900876] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x1f9001 (0x40) flags 0x150
[   20.907899] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x1f9001 (0x800) flags 0x10080
[   20.915198] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x1f9001 (0x2000) flags 0x20080
[   20.922578] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x1f9001 (0x4000) flags 0x40080
[   20.930060] Add VHT80 channel: 5210
[   20.933416] Add VHT80 channel: 5290
[   20.936888] Add VHT80 channel: 5530
[   20.940369] Add VHT80 channel: 5610
[   20.943833] Add VHT80 channel: 5690
[   20.947306] Add VHT80 channel: 5775
[   20.950811] Skipping VHT80 channel 5825
[   20.954603] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x1f9001 (0x200000) flags 0x4000100
[   20.962334] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x1f9001 (0x400000) flags 0x8000100
[   20.970803] OL Resmgr Init-ed
[   20.973136] acfg_attach: Offload using existing sock cf127400
[   20.978767] SPECTRAL : get_capability not registered
[   20.983701] HAL_CAP_PHYDIAG : Capable
[   20.987327] SPECTRAL : Need to fix the capablity check for RADAR (spectral_attach : 237)
[   20.995404] SPECTRAL : get_capability not registered
[   21.000351] HAL_CAP_RADAR   : Capable
[   21.003992] SPECTRAL : Need to fix the capablity check for SPECTRAL
[   21.003992]  (spectral_attach : 242)
[   21.013814] SPECTRAL : get_capability not registered
[   21.018744] HAL_CAP_SPECTRAL_SCAN : Capable
[   21.022923] SPECTRAL : get_tsf64 not registered
[   21.027428] spectral_init_netlink 78 NULL SKB
[   21.031781] Green-AP : Green-AP : Attached
[   21.031781]
[   21.037325] Green-AP : Attached
[   21.040455] rate power table override is only supported for AR98XX
[   21.046732] ol_ath_smart_ant_attach: Hardware doest not support Smart Antenna.
[   21.053863] ieee80211com_init_netlink: Socket already created cd68c400
[   21.060392] ol_if_dfs_attach: called; ptr=cc459984, radar_info=ceeb7c60
[   21.066926] dfs_attach: event log enabled by default
[   21.074534] ipq4019_wifi_led_init: Wifi LED init failed.. Couldn't get led gpio/led source
[   21.081878] ol_ath_attach() UMAC attach .
[   21.085933]
[   21.085933]  BURSTING enabled by default
[   21.091457] ol_ath_attach: Set global_ic[2] ..ptr:bf4e0414
[   21.096814] osif_wrap_attach:441 osif wrap attached
[   21.101691] osif_wrap_devt_init:402 osif wrap dev table init done
[   21.107727]  Wrap Attached: Wrap_com =cd772800 ic->ic_wrap_com=cd772800 &wrap_com->wc_devt=cd772800
[   21.116845] __ol_ath_attach: needed_headroom reservation 60
[   21.124447] ol_ath_thermal_mitigation_attach: --
[   21.128086] offload dynamic register sysctl on dev name : wifi1  successful!
[   21.128086]
[   21.137050] ath_ol_pci: spf3.0-csu2-r00030.1 (Atheros/multi-bss)
[   21.153351] ath_dev: Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Atheros Communications, Inc, All Rights Reserved
[   21.167785] ath_da_pci: spf3.0-csu2-r00030.1 (Atheros/multi-bss)
[   21.174710]  pktlog_init: Initializing Pktlog for AR900B, pktlog_hdr_size = 16
[   21.181010]  pktlog_init: Initializing Pktlog for AR900B, pktlog_hdr_size = 16
[   21.189693] __sa_init_module
[   21.237292] gre: GRE over IPv4 demultiplexor driver
[   21.242661] ip_gre: GRE over IPv4 tunneling driver
[   21.253036] bonding: Ethernet Channel Bonding Driver: v3.7.1 (April 27, 2011)
[   21.277305] ip6_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
[   21.293694] edma module_init
[   21.300297] EDMA using MAC@ - using f6:23:a7:66:f8:3e
[   21.304359] Switching to Tx Mode-1 Threshold 280
[   21.398666] [wifi1] FWLOG: [45024] WAL_DBGID_TX_AC_BUFFER_SET ( 0x3, 0x1e, 0x94c, 0x94c, 0x0 )
[   21.406242] [wifi1] [   21.407132] batman_adv: B.A.T.M.A.N. advanced 2016.3 (compatibility version 15) loaded

[   21.417375] u32 classifier
[   21.419216]     input device check on
[   21.419624] FWLOG: [45024] WAL_DBGID_TX_AC_BUFFER_SET ( 0x12, 0x1e, 0x94c, 0x94c, 0x0 )
[   21.419644] [wifi1] FWLOG: [45024] WAL_DBGID_TX_AC_BUFFER_SET ( 0x45, 0x1e, 0x94c, 0x94c, 0x0 )
[   21.419662] [wifi1] FWLOG: [45024] WAL_DBGID_TX_AC_BUFFER_SET ( 0x67, 0x1e, 0x94c, 0x94c, 0x0 )
[   21.448239]     Actions configured
[   21.453527] Mirror/redirect action on
[   21.480017] fuse init (API version 7.22)
[   21.487985] arp_tables: (C) 2002 David S. Miller
[   21.499554] ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
[   21.546633] nf_conntrack_rtsp v0.6.21 loading
[   21.622795] nf_nat_rtsp v0.6.21 loading
[   21.629529] Netfilter messages via NETLINK v0.30.
[   21.635729] NET: Registered protocol family 24
[   21.658339] xt_coova: ready
[   21.685516] xt_time: kernel timezone is -0000
[   21.694387] ctnetlink v0.93: registering with nfnetlink.
[   23.815025] Switching to Tx Mode-1 Threshold 280
[   26.566096] Entering: nlh_recv_msg
[   26.568476] [nlh] recv process 434 msg
[   26.572256] [nlh] recv msg type:0
[   26.575507] [nlh] recv msg value:hello
[   26.579236] [nlh] change user pid: 434
[   32.932753] __sa_exit_module
[   32.955686] Removing athdebug proc file
[   32.958552] ath_dev: driver unloaded
[   32.969654] Suspending Target - with disable_intr set :wifi1 (sc cd68e000) scn=cd2004c0
[   32.976931] waiting for target paused event from target :wifi1 (sc cd68e000)
[   32.983790] osif_wrap_devt_detach:419 osif wrap dev table detached
[   32.989838] osif_wrap_detach:472 osif wrap detached
[   32.994747] offload dynamic unregister sysctl on dev name wifi1 successful!
[   33.001698] ol_ath_thermal_mitigation_detach: ++
[   33.006289] ol_ath_thermal_mitigation_detach: --
[   33.050121] ol_if_dfs_teardown: called
[   33.053160] ol_ath_phyerr_detach: called
[   33.056884] ieee80211_ifdetach: ATF terminated
[   33.063339] CE_fini 2683 Cleaning up HTT Tx CE
[   33.066786] CE_fini Cleaning up HTT MSG CE(5)
[   33.072365] ol_tx_me_exit: Already Disabled !!!
[   33.078113] Green-AP : Green-AP : Detached
[   33.078113]
[   33.082702] Green-AP : Detached
[   33.085850] ol_if_spectral_detach
[   33.089088] SPECTRAL : Module removed (spectral = cc538000)
[   33.095391] ol_ath_detach: remove global_ic[1]..gloabl_ic ptr:bf4e0414
[   33.101415] ol_ath_detach: Peer Count 531
[   33.130413] Reset complete for wifi core id : 1
[   33.134070] ath_ahb_remove
[   33.136652] Suspending Target - with disable_intr set :wifi0 (sc ced08c00) scn=ce7004c0
[   33.144769] waiting for target paused event from target :wifi0 (sc ced08c00)
[   33.151671] osif_wrap_devt_detach:419 osif wrap dev table detached
[   33.157784] osif_wrap_detach:472 osif wrap detached
[   33.162677] offload dynamic unregister sysctl on dev name wifi0 successful!
[   33.169588] ol_ath_thermal_mitigation_detach: ++
[   33.174258] ol_ath_thermal_mitigation_detach: --
[   33.240109] ol_if_dfs_teardown: called
[   33.243132] ol_ath_phyerr_detach: called
[   33.246875] acfg_detach Netlink socket released
[   33.251404] ieee80211_ifdetach: ATF terminated
[   33.257756] CE_fini 2683 Cleaning up HTT Tx CE
[   33.261274] CE_fini Cleaning up HTT MSG CE(5)
[   33.266719] ol_tx_me_exit: Already Disabled !!!
[   33.273282] Green-AP : Green-AP : Detached
[   33.273282]
[   33.277829] Green-AP : Detached
[   33.281090] ol_if_spectral_detach
[   33.284256] SPECTRAL : Module removed (spectral = cd640000)
[   33.289846]
[   33.289846]  releasing the socket   (null) and val of ic is ce7004c0
[   33.298356] ol_ath_detach: remove global_ic[0]..gloabl_ic ptr:bf4e0414
[   33.304388] ol_ath_detach: Peer Count 531
[   33.333409] Reset complete for wifi core id : 0
[   33.337068] ath_ahb_remove
[   33.347426] ath_tx99: driver unloaded
[   33.356328] ath_spectral: driver unloaded
[   33.366076] ath_dfs: driver unloaded
[   33.375375] ath_rate_atheros: driver unloaded
[   33.385442] ath_hal: driver unloaded
[   36.068804] device eth1 entered promiscuous mode
[   36.073169] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): br-lan: link is not ready
[   37.059951] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): eth1: link becomes ready
[   37.065269] br-lan: port 1(eth1) entered forwarding state
[   37.070642] br-lan: port 1(eth1) entered forwarding state
[   37.076087] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): br-lan: link becomes ready
[   45.175128] ath_hal: (AR5416, AR9380, WRITE_EEPROM, 11D)
[   45.194885] ath_rate_atheros: Copyright (c) 2001-2005 Atheros Communications, Inc, All Rights Reserved
[   45.217536] ath_dfs: Version 2.0.0
[   45.217536] Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Atheros Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved
[   45.241922] ath_spectral: Version 2.0.0
[   45.241922] Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Atheros Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved
[   45.264893] ath_tx99: Version 2.0
[   45.264893] Copyright (c) 2010 Atheros Communications, Inc, All Rights Reserved
[   45.372155] umac: unknown parameter 'ac_obey_reg_power' ignored
[   45.379086] ol_ath_ahb_probe
[   45.381198] ol_ath_ahb_probe: io resource start: 0xa000000, mem=0xd3000000
[   45.387796]  *********** Dakota *************
[   45.392482]
[   45.392482] __ol_ath_attach() Allocated scn ce7004c0
[   45.398573] ol_ath_ahb_configure: MSI addr: 0b006040, MSI base: 00000040
[   45.405596] ath10k_ahb a000000.wifi: ath DEBUG: sc=0xce52d000
[   45.411014]
[   45.411014]  ol_ath_ahb_configure : num_desired MSI set to 0
[   45.418120]
[   45.418120]  Using Legacy Interrupt
[   45.423076]
[   45.423076]  Waiting for target init
[   45.428071]
[   45.428071]  Done waiting
[   45.432226] nss is not enabled on this platform
[   45.436670] nss register id -1 offload mode enabled = 0 nss config 0 Target Type b host radio id 0
[   45.448625]
[   45.448625]  CLOCK PLL skipped
[   45.452394] __ol_ath_attach: dev name wifi0
[   45.456406] ol_ath_attach interface_id 0
[   45.460544] ol_target_init() BMI inited.
[   45.464416] ol_target_init() BMI Get Target Info.
[   45.468881] Chip id: 0xb, chip version: 0x1000000
[   45.473621]
[   45.473621]  CE WAR Disabled
[   45.478055] NUM_DEV=1 FWMODE=0x2 FWSUBMODE=0x0 FWBR_BUF 0
[   45.483672] ol_target_init() configure Target .
[   45.487894]
[   45.487894]  Target Version is 1000000
[   45.493053]
[   45.493053]  Flash Download Address  c0000
[   45.498655] ol_transfer_bin_file: flash data file defined
[   45.504066] ol_transfer_bin_file[4322] Get Caldata for wifi0.
[   45.509799] __adf_os_fs_read[42], Open File /tmp/wifi0.caldata SUCCESS!!
[   45.516477] file system magic:16914836
[   45.520287] super blocksize:4096
[   45.523566] inode 2323
[   45.525994] file size:12064
[   45.528933] qc98xx_verify_checksum: flash checksum passed: 0x5e78
[   45.534972] ol_transfer_bin_file 4383: Download Flash data len 12064
[   45.541651] Board extended Data download address: 0x0
[   45.565864]
[   45.565864]  Board data initialized
[   45.569850] ol_ath_download_firmware: Download OTP, flash download ADDRESS 0xc0000
[   45.577781]
[   45.577781]  Selecting  OTP binary for CHIP Version 0
[   45.584036] ath10k_ahb a000000.wifi: Firmware loaded from user helper succesfully
[   45.591375] ol_transfer_bin_file 4203: downloading file 0, Download data len 4424
[   45.614328]
[   45.614328]  First OTP send param 8000
[   45.623200] ol_ath_download_firmware :First OTP download and Execute is good address:0x4000 return param 4660
[   45.632103] ol_ath_download_firmware:##Board Id 16 , CHIP Id 0
[   45.637990] ol_ath_download_firmware: BOARDDATA DOWNLOAD TO address 0xc0000
[   45.645956]
[   45.645956]  wifi0: Selecting board data file name boardData_1_0_IPQ4019_Y9803_wifi0.bin
[   45.654533] ol_transfer_bin_file: Board Data File download to address=0xc0000 file name=IPQ4019/hw.1/boardData_1_0_IPQ4019_Y9803_wifi0.bin
[   45.667062] ath10k_ahb a000000.wifi: Firmware loaded from user helper succesfully
[   45.674408] ol_transfer_bin_file 4203: downloading file 3, Download data len 12064
[   45.682293] Board extended Data download address: 0x0
[   45.706695] ol_ath_download_firmware: Using 0x1234 for the remainder of init
[   45.712747]
[   45.712747]  Selecting  OTP binary for CHIP Version 0
[   45.719342] ath10k_ahb a000000.wifi: Firmware loaded from user helper succesfully
[   45.726719] ol_transfer_bin_file 4203: downloading file 0, Download data len 4424
[   45.749763]
[   45.749763]  [Flash] : Ignore Module param
[   45.754340]
[   45.754340]  Second otp download Param 10000
[   45.770370] ol_ath_download_firmware : Second OTP download and Execute is good, param=0x0
[   45.777599]
[   45.777599]  Mission mode: Firmware CHIP Version 0
[   45.784321] ath10k_ahb a000000.wifi: Firmware loaded from user helper succesfully
[   45.791701] ol_swap_seg_alloc: Successfully allocated memory for SWAP size=262144
[   45.799284] ath10k_ahb a000000.wifi: Firmware loaded from user helper succesfully
[   45.806616] Swap: bytes_left to copy: fw:16; dma_page:109605
[   45.812003] Swap: wrong length read:0
[   45.815624] ol_swap_wlan_memory_expansion: Swap total_bytes copied: 152539 Target address 416ff0
[   45.825011] scn=ce7004c0  target_write_addr=416ff0 seg_info=cbb0f910
[   45.830936] ol_transfer_swap_struct:Code swap structure successfully downloaded for bin type =2
[   45.839666] bin_filename=IPQ4019/hw.1/athwlan.bin swap_filename=/lib/firmware/IPQ4019/hw.1/athwlan.codeswap.bin
[   45.849867] ol_transfer_bin_file: Downloading firmware file: IPQ4019/hw.1/athwlan.bin
[   45.858560] ath10k_ahb a000000.wifi: Firmware loaded from user helper succesfully
[   45.865152] ol_transfer_bin_file 4203: downloading file 1, Download data len 364572
[   47.094618] ol_target_init() Download FW done.
[   47.098197] ol_ath_attach() WMI attached. wmi_handle cd020000
[   47.104064] htc_wmi_init() HT Create . cc09f000
[   47.108453] htc_wmi_init() HIF Claim.
[   47.112197] htc_wmi_init 7687 host_enable 0 nss_nwifi_offload 0
[   47.118004] ol_ath_set_default_tgt_config : AC Minfree buffer allocation through module param (umac.ko)
[   47.127409]  OL_ACBKMinfree : 0
[   47.130522]  OL_ACBEMinfree : 0
[   47.133624]  OL_ACVIMinfree : 0
[   47.136749]  OL_ACVOMinfree : 0
[   47.143659] CE_recv_buf_enqueue 877 Populate last entry 512 for CE 5
[   47.148990] CE_recv_buf_enqueue 886 CE 5 wi 511 dest_ptr 0x8c9c7040 nbytes 0 recv_ctxt 0xcc82ce40
[   47.158406] Startup Mode-0 set
[   47.160914] pdev attach   (null) -1
[   47.164436]
[   47.164436] <=== cfg max peer id 1056 ====>
[   47.170397] HTC Service:0x0300 ep:1 TX flow control disabled
[   47.176032] htt_peer_map_timer_init Enter pdev cc6b0000 hrtimer cc6b4840
[   47.182448]
[   47.182448]  htt_alloc_peer_map_mem : Alloc Success : host q vaddr cd2e2000 paddr 8d2e2000
[   47.192154]
[   47.192154]  htt_alloc_peer_map_mem : Flush Interval Configured to 256 pkts
[   47.202674] CE_pkt_dl_len_set CE 4 Pkt download length 64
[   47.207193] ol_txrx_pdev_attach: 2500 tx desc's allocated ; range starts from cc800000
[   47.216079] HTC Service:0x0100 ep:2 TX flow control disabled
[   47.221820] wmi_service_ready_event_rx:  WMI UNIFIED SERVICE READY event
[   47.227658] Firmware_Build_Number:92
[   47.231251] num_rf_chain:0x00000002  ht_cap_info:0x0000085b  vht_cap_info:0x339959b2  vht_supp_mcs:0x0000fffa
[   47.241157]
[   47.241157]  RES CFG Support wmi_service_bitmap 9778
[   47.247643]
 Sending Ext resource cfg: HOST PLATFORM as 0 and fw_feature_bitmap as 50 to TGT
[   47.256214] ol_ath_service_ready_event: tt_support: 1
[   47.261374] ol_ath_service_ready_event: periodic_chan_stats: 1
[   47.267166] ol_ath_service_ready_event: sw_cal_support_check_flag: 1
[   47.273526] Peer Caching Enabled ; num_peers = 530, num_active_peers = 52 num_tids = 104, num_vdevs = 17
[   47.283046] idx 1 req 2  num_units 1 num_unit_info 12 unit size 256 actual units 53
[   47.290759] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 2 idx 0 num_units 53 unit_len 256,
[   47.298164] idx 2 req 3  num_units 1 num_unit_info 12 unit size 1024 actual units 53
[   47.306051] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 3 idx 1 num_units 53 unit_len 1024,
[   47.313542] idx 3 req 4  num_units 1 num_unit_info 12 unit size 4096 actual units 53
[   47.321527] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 4 idx 2 num_units 53 unit_len 4096,
[   47.328893] idx 0 req 1  num_units 0 num_unit_info 2 unit size 744 actual units 531
[   47.336788] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 1 idx 3 num_units 265 unit_len 744,
[   47.344348] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 1 idx 4 num_units 266 unit_len 744,
[   47.351743] idx 4 req 6  num_units 35 num_unit_info 0 unit size 3072 actual units 35
[   47.359619] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 6 idx 5 num_units 35 unit_len 3072,
[   47.367105] idx 5 req 7  num_units 1 num_unit_info 0 unit size 6144 actual units 1
[   47.374864] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 7 idx 6 num_units 1 unit_len 6144,
[   47.382216] idx 6 req 5  num_units 0 num_unit_info 2 unit size 2036 actual units 531
[   47.390213] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 5 idx 7 num_units 106 unit_len 2036,
[   47.397803] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 5 idx 8 num_units 106 unit_len 2036,
[   47.405480] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 5 idx 9 num_units 106 unit_len 2036,
[   47.413105] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 5 idx 10 num_units 106 unit_len 2036,
[   47.420842] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 5 idx 11 num_units 107 unit_len 2036,
[   47.428369] chunk 0 len 13568 requested ,ptr  0x8c6d8000
[   47.433772] chunk 1 len 54272 requested ,ptr  0x8d720000
[   47.439131] chunk 2 len 217088 requested ,ptr  0x8d140000
[   47.444617] chunk 3 len 197160 requested ,ptr  0x8d180000
[   47.450081] chunk 4 len 197904 requested ,ptr  0x8d200000
[   47.455535] chunk 5 len 107520 requested ,ptr  0x8c780000
[   47.461025] chunk 6 len 6144 requested ,ptr  0x8e518000
[   47.466301] chunk 7 len 215816 requested ,ptr  0x8d280000
[   47.471781] chunk 8 len 215816 requested ,ptr  0x8c480000
[   47.477236] chunk 9 len 215816 requested ,ptr  0x8b440000
[   47.482719] chunk 10 len 215816 requested ,ptr  0x8dd80000
[   47.488260] chunk 11 len 217852 requested ,ptr  0x8ef80000
[   47.493851] ol_ath_service_ready_event[4079] WAPI MBSSID 2
[   47.535374] wmi_ready_event_rx:  WMI UNIFIED READY event
[   47.539786] ol_ath_connect_htc() WMI is ready
[   47.544130] htt_h2t_frag_desc_bank_cfg_msg - HTT_H2T_MSG_TYPE_FRAG_DESC_BANK_CFG sent to FW for radio ID = 0
[   47.558973] ol_ath_attach() connect HTC.
[   47.561980] target uses HTT version 2.2; host uses 2.2
[   47.567086] bypasswmi : 0
[   47.569683] ol_regdmn_start: reg-domain param: regdmn=0, countryName=, wModeSelect=FFFFFFFF, netBand=FFFFFFFF, extendedChanMode=0.
[   47.581421]
[   47.581421] [5G AC] scn_handle->scn_disable_band=15,[1,1,1,1]
[   47.588624] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x680c (0x2) flags 0x2150
[   47.595485] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x680c (0x1) flags 0x140
[   47.602287] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x680c (0x20) flags 0xd0
[   47.609003] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x680c (0x40) flags 0x150
[   47.615914] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x680c (0x1000) flags 0x10100
[   47.623081] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x680c (0x8000) flags 0x20100
[   47.630292] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x680c (0x10000) flags 0x40100
[   47.637563] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x680c (0x20000) flags 0x100100
[   47.644953] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x680c (0x40000) flags 0x200100
[   47.652333] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x680c (0x80000) flags 0x400100
[   47.659698] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x680c (0x100000) flags 0x800100
[   47.668265] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x680c (0x200000) flags 0x4000100
[   47.674839] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x680c (0x400000) flags 0x8000100
[   47.682666] OL Resmgr Init-ed
[   47.685464] acfg_attach: 2891: Netlink socket created:cd68d000
[   47.691202] SPECTRAL : get_capability not registered
[   47.696074] HAL_CAP_PHYDIAG : Capable
[   47.699719] SPECTRAL : Need to fix the capablity check for RADAR (spectral_attach : 237)
[   47.707810] SPECTRAL : get_capability not registered
[   47.712751] HAL_CAP_RADAR   : Capable
[   47.716386] SPECTRAL : Need to fix the capablity check for SPECTRAL
[   47.716386]  (spectral_attach : 242)
[   47.726206] SPECTRAL : get_capability not registered
[   47.731218] HAL_CAP_SPECTRAL_SCAN : Capable
[   47.735309] SPECTRAL : get_tsf64 not registered
[   47.739833] spectral_init_netlink 78 NULL SKB
[   47.744190] Green-AP : Green-AP : Attached
[   47.744190]
[   47.749718] Green-AP : Attached
[   47.752863] rate power table override is only supported for AR98XX
[   47.759136] ol_ath_smart_ant_attach: Hardware doest not support Smart Antenna.
[   47.766251] ieee80211com_init_netlink: 3493: Wifipos 1st Netlink socket created:cd68f000
[   47.774355] ol_if_dfs_attach: called; ptr=cd179984, radar_info=cbbd7c60
[   47.780905] dfs_attach: event log enabled by default
[   47.787291] ipq4019_wifi_led_init: Wifi LED init failed.. Couldn't get led gpio/led source
[   47.794723] ol_ath_attach() UMAC attach .
[   47.798693]
[   47.798693]  BURSTING enabled by default
[   47.804238] ol_ath_attach: Set global_ic[1] ..ptr:bfba8414
[   47.809598] osif_wrap_attach:441 osif wrap attached
[   47.814466] osif_wrap_devt_init:402 osif wrap dev table init done
[   47.820502]  Wrap Attached: Wrap_com =cbaed600 ic->ic_wrap_com=cbaed600 &wrap_com->wc_devt=cbaed600
[   47.829595] __ol_ath_attach: needed_headroom reservation 60
[   47.838845] ol_ath_thermal_mitigation_attach: --
[   47.842543] offload dynamic register sysctl on dev name : wifi0  successful!
[   47.842543]
[   47.851117] ol_ath_ahb_probe
[   47.853909] ol_ath_ahb_probe: io resource start: 0xa800000, mem=0xd3400000
[   47.860723]  *********** Dakota *************
[   47.865305]
[   47.865305] __ol_ath_attach() Allocated scn cefc04c0
[   47.871477] ol_ath_ahb_configure: MSI addr: 0b006040, MSI base: 00000050
[   47.878512] ath10k_ahb a800000.wifi: ath DEBUG: sc=0xcd68ec00
[   47.883883]
[   47.883883]  ol_ath_ahb_configure : num_desired MSI set to 0
[   47.891018]
[   47.891018]  Using Legacy Interrupt
[   47.895915]
[   47.895915]  Waiting for target init
[   47.900971]
[   47.900971]  Done waiting
[   47.905068] nss is not enabled on this platform
[   47.909546] nss register id -1 offload mode enabled = 0 nss config 0 Target Type b host radio id 1
[   47.923396]
[   47.923396]  CLOCK PLL skipped
[   47.928097] __ol_ath_attach: dev name wifi1
[   47.931305] ol_ath_attach interface_id 1
[   47.935382] ol_target_init() BMI inited.
[   47.939233] ol_target_init() BMI Get Target Info.
[   47.943780] Chip id: 0xb, chip version: 0x1000000
[   47.948441]
[   47.948441]  CE WAR Disabled
[   47.953132] NUM_DEV=1 FWMODE=0x2 FWSUBMODE=0x0 FWBR_BUF 0
[   47.958409] ol_target_init() configure Target .
[   47.962821]
[   47.962821]  Target Version is 1000000
[   47.967912]
[   47.967912]  Flash Download Address  c0000
[   47.973599] ol_transfer_bin_file: flash data file defined
[   47.978932] ol_transfer_bin_file[4322] Get Caldata for wifi1.
[   47.984741] __adf_os_fs_read[42], Open File /tmp/wifi1.caldata SUCCESS!!
[   47.991389] file system magic:16914836
[   47.995162] super blocksize:4096
[   47.998463] inode 686
[   48.000825] file size:12064
[   48.003736] qc98xx_verify_checksum: flash checksum passed: 0xbca8
[   48.009753] ol_transfer_bin_file 4383: Download Flash data len 12064
[   48.016601] Board extended Data download address: 0x0
[   48.040734]
[   48.040734]  Board data initialized
[   48.044783] ol_ath_download_firmware: Download OTP, flash download ADDRESS 0xc0000
[   48.052327]
[   48.052327]  Selecting  OTP binary for CHIP Version 0
[   48.058910] ath10k_ahb a800000.wifi: Firmware loaded from user helper succesfully
[   48.066297] ol_transfer_bin_file 4203: downloading file 0, Download data len 4424
[   48.089467]
[   48.089467]  First OTP send param 8000
[   48.098427] ol_ath_download_firmware :First OTP download and Execute is good address:0x4400 return param 4660
[   48.107343] ol_ath_download_firmware:##Board Id 17 , CHIP Id 0
[   48.113249] ol_ath_download_firmware: BOARDDATA DOWNLOAD TO address 0xc0000
[   48.120169] [wifi0] FWLOG: [2183] WAL_DBGID_TX_AC_BUFFER_SET ( 0x3, 0x1e, 0x94c, 0x94c, 0x0 )
[   48.128578] [wifi0]
[   48.130611]
[   48.130611]  wifi1: Selecting board data file name boardData_1_0_IPQ4019_Y9803_wifi1.bin
[   48.140328] FWLOG: [2183] WAL_DBGID_TX_AC_BUFFER_SET ( 0x12, 0x1e, 0x94c, 0x94c, 0x0 )
[   48.148190] [wifi0]
[   48.150226] ol_transfer_bin_file: Board Data File download to address=0xc0000 file name=IPQ4019/hw.1/boardData_1_0_IPQ4019_Y9803_wifi1.bin
[   48.162807] FWLOG: [2183] WAL_DBGID_TX_AC_BUFFER_SET ( 0x45, 0x1e, 0x94c, 0x94c, [   48.170068] ath10k_ahb a800000.wifi: Firmware loaded from user helper succesfully
[   48.170084] ol_transfer_bin_file 4203: downloading file 3, Download data len 12064

[   48.185145] 0x0[   48.185562] Board extended Data download address: 0x0
[   48.191902]  )
[   48.193536] [wifi0] FWLOG: [2183] WAL_DBGID_TX_AC_BUFFER_SET ( 0x67, 0x1e, 0x94c, 0x94c, 0x0 )
[   48.217508] ol_ath_download_firmware: Using 0x1234 for the remainder of init
[   48.223739]
[   48.223739]  Selecting  OTP binary for CHIP Version 0
[   48.230201] ath10k_ahb a800000.wifi: Firmware loaded from user helper succesfully
[   48.237516] ol_transfer_bin_file 4203: downloading file 0, Download data len 4424
[   48.260528]
[   48.260528]  [Flash] : Ignore Module param
[   48.265077]
[   48.265077]  Second otp download Param 10000
[   48.281420] ol_ath_download_firmware : Second OTP download and Execute is good, param=0x0
[   48.288656]
[   48.288656]  Mission mode: Firmware CHIP Version 0
[   48.295368] ath10k_ahb a800000.wifi: Firmware loaded from user helper succesfully
[   48.302696] ol_swap_seg_alloc: Successfully allocated memory for SWAP size=262144
[   48.310489] ath10k_ahb a800000.wifi: Firmware loaded from user helper succesfully
[   48.317600] Swap: bytes_left to copy: fw:16; dma_page:109605
[   48.323068] Swap: wrong length read:0
[   48.326683] ol_swap_wlan_memory_expansion: Swap total_bytes copied: 152539 Target address 416ff0
[   48.335666] scn=cefc04c0  target_write_addr=416ff0 seg_info=cbb0fc10
[   48.341980] ol_transfer_swap_struct:Code swap structure successfully downloaded for bin type =2
[   48.350746] bin_filename=IPQ4019/hw.1/athwlan.bin swap_filename=/lib/firmware/IPQ4019/hw.1/athwlan.codeswap.bin
[   48.360917] ol_transfer_bin_file: Downloading firmware file: IPQ4019/hw.1/athwlan.bin
[   48.369584] ath10k_ahb a800000.wifi: Firmware loaded from user helper succesfully
[   48.376209] ol_transfer_bin_file 4203: downloading file 1, Download data len 364572
[   49.602806] ol_target_init() Download FW done.
[   49.606394] ol_ath_attach() WMI attached. wmi_handle cddc0000
[   49.612216] htc_wmi_init() HT Create . cc09e000
[   49.616650] htc_wmi_init() HIF Claim.
[   49.620379] htc_wmi_init 7687 host_enable 0 nss_nwifi_offload 0
[   49.626201] ol_ath_set_default_tgt_config : AC Minfree buffer allocation through module param (umac.ko)
[   49.635595]  OL_ACBKMinfree : 0
[   49.638694]  OL_ACBEMinfree : 0
[   49.641840]  OL_ACVIMinfree : 0
[   49.644943]  OL_ACVOMinfree : 0
[   49.652854] CE_recv_buf_enqueue 877 Populate last entry 512 for CE 5
[   49.658194] CE_recv_buf_enqueue 886 CE 5 wi 511 dest_ptr 0x8dc70040 nbytes 0 recv_ctxt 0xcb47ef00
[   49.667735] Startup Mode-0 set
[   49.670110] pdev attach   (null) -1
[   49.673637]
[   49.673637] <=== cfg max peer id 1056 ====>
[   49.679565] HTC Service:0x0300 ep:1 TX flow control disabled
[   49.686411] htt_peer_map_timer_init Enter pdev cdcf0000 hrtimer cdcf4840
[   49.692126]
[   49.692126]  htt_alloc_peer_map_mem : Alloc Success : host q vaddr cdcfa000 paddr 8dcfa000
[   49.701830]
[   49.701830]  htt_alloc_peer_map_mem : Flush Interval Configured to 256 pkts
[   49.713331] CE_pkt_dl_len_set CE 4 Pkt download length 64
[   49.717855] ol_txrx_pdev_attach: 2500 tx desc's allocated ; range starts from ca880000
[   49.726797] HTC Service:0x0100 ep:2 TX flow control disabled
[   49.732552] wmi_service_ready_event_rx:  WMI UNIFIED SERVICE READY event
[   49.738400] Firmware_Build_Number:92
[   49.742043] num_rf_chain:0x00000002  ht_cap_info:0x0000085b  vht_cap_info:0x339959b2  vht_supp_mcs:0x0000fffa
[   49.751906]
[   49.751906]  RES CFG Support wmi_service_bitmap 9778
[   49.758381]
 Sending Ext resource cfg: HOST PLATFORM as 0 and fw_feature_bitmap as 50 to TGT
[   49.766950] ol_ath_service_ready_event: tt_support: 1
[   49.772108] ol_ath_service_ready_event: periodic_chan_stats: 1
[   49.777900] ol_ath_service_ready_event: sw_cal_support_check_flag: 1
[   49.784262] Peer Caching Enabled ; num_peers = 530, num_active_peers = 52 num_tids = 104, num_vdevs = 17
[   49.793780] idx 1 req 2  num_units 1 num_unit_info 12 unit size 256 actual units 53
[   49.801560] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 2 idx 0 num_units 53 unit_len 256,
[   49.808899] idx 2 req 3  num_units 1 num_unit_info 12 unit size 1024 actual units 53
[   49.816784] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 3 idx 1 num_units 53 unit_len 1024,
[   49.824276] idx 3 req 4  num_units 1 num_unit_info 12 unit size 4096 actual units 53
[   49.832266] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 4 idx 2 num_units 53 unit_len 4096,
[   49.839679] idx 0 req 1  num_units 0 num_unit_info 2 unit size 744 actual units 531
[   49.847538] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 1 idx 3 num_units 265 unit_len 744,
[   49.855073] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 1 idx 4 num_units 266 unit_len 744,
[   49.862476] idx 4 req 6  num_units 35 num_unit_info 0 unit size 3072 actual units 35
[   49.870371] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 6 idx 5 num_units 35 unit_len 3072,
[   49.877819] idx 5 req 7  num_units 1 num_unit_info 0 unit size 6144 actual units 1
[   49.885486] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 7 idx 6 num_units 1 unit_len 6144,
[   49.892941] idx 6 req 5  num_units 0 num_unit_info 2 unit size 2036 actual units 531
[   49.900917] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 5 idx 7 num_units 106 unit_len 2036,
[   49.908545] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 5 idx 8 num_units 106 unit_len 2036,
[   49.916221] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 5 idx 9 num_units 106 unit_len 2036,
[   49.923836] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 5 idx 10 num_units 106 unit_len 2036,
[   49.931569] ol_ath_alloc_host_mem_chunk req_id 5 idx 11 num_units 107 unit_len 2036,
[   49.939100] chunk 0 len 13568 requested ,ptr  0x8e770000
[   49.944499] chunk 1 len 54272 requested ,ptr  0x8a870000
[   49.949862] chunk 2 len 217088 requested ,ptr  0x8a900000
[   49.955713] chunk 3 len 197160 requested ,ptr  0x8a940000
[   49.960838] chunk 4 len 197904 requested ,ptr  0x8a980000
[   49.966270] chunk 5 len 107520 requested ,ptr  0x8a8e0000
[   49.971764] chunk 6 len 6144 requested ,ptr  0x8c5f2000
[   49.977032] chunk 7 len 215816 requested ,ptr  0x8a9c0000
[   49.982524] chunk 8 len 215816 requested ,ptr  0x8aa00000
[   49.987972] chunk 9 len 215816 requested ,ptr  0x8aa40000
[   49.993451] chunk 10 len 215816 requested ,ptr  0x8aa80000
[   49.998993] chunk 11 len 217852 requested ,ptr  0x8aac0000
[   50.004588] ol_ath_service_ready_event[4079] WAPI MBSSID 2
[   50.047148] wmi_ready_event_rx:  WMI UNIFIED READY event
[   50.051567] ol_ath_connect_htc() WMI is ready
[   50.055890] htt_h2t_frag_desc_bank_cfg_msg - HTT_H2T_MSG_TYPE_FRAG_DESC_BANK_CFG sent to FW for radio ID = 1
[   50.071301] ol_ath_attach() connect HTC.
[   50.074300] target uses HTT version 2.2; host uses 2.2
[   50.079412] bypasswmi : 0
[   50.082047] ol_regdmn_start: reg-domain param: regdmn=0, countryName=, wModeSelect=FFFFFFFF, netBand=FFFFFFFF, extendedChanMode=0.
[   50.093755]
[   50.093755] [5G AC] scn_handle->scn_disable_band=15,[1,1,1,1]
[   50.100971] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x1f9001 (0x2) flags 0x2150
[   50.108006] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x1f9001 (0x4) flags 0xa0
[   50.114842] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x1f9001 (0x8) flags 0xc0
[   50.121698] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x1f9001 (0x20) flags 0xd0
[   50.128627] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x1f9001 (0x40) flags 0x150
[   50.135676] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x1f9001 (0x800) flags 0x10080
[   50.142963] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x1f9001 (0x2000) flags 0x20080
[   50.150349] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x1f9001 (0x4000) flags 0x40080
[   50.157814] Add VHT80 channel: 5210
[   50.161199] Add VHT80 channel: 5290
[   50.164649] Add VHT80 channel: 5530
[   50.168119] Add VHT80 channel: 5610
[   50.171612] Add VHT80 channel: 5690
[   50.175064] Add VHT80 channel: 5775
[   50.178562] Skipping VHT80 channel 5825
[   50.182379] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x1f9001 (0x200000) flags 0x4000100
[   50.190100] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x1f9001 (0x400000) flags 0x8000100
[   50.198591] OL Resmgr Init-ed
[   50.200932] acfg_attach: Offload using existing sock cd68d000
[   50.206527] SPECTRAL : get_capability not registered
[   50.211454] HAL_CAP_PHYDIAG : Capable
[   50.215089] SPECTRAL : Need to fix the capablity check for RADAR (spectral_attach : 237)
[   50.223169] SPECTRAL : get_capability not registered
[   50.228103] HAL_CAP_RADAR   : Capable
[   50.231765] SPECTRAL : Need to fix the capablity check for SPECTRAL
[   50.231765]  (spectral_attach : 242)
[   50.241573] SPECTRAL : get_capability not registered
[   50.246502] HAL_CAP_SPECTRAL_SCAN : Capable
[   50.250691] SPECTRAL : get_tsf64 not registered
[   50.255190] spectral_init_netlink 78 NULL SKB
[   50.259532] Green-AP : Green-AP : Attached
[   50.259532]
[   50.265103] Green-AP : Attached
[   50.268208] rate power table override is only supported for AR98XX
[   50.274528] ol_ath_smart_ant_attach: Hardware doest not support Smart Antenna.
[   50.281604] ieee80211com_init_netlink: Socket already created cd68f000
[   50.288145] ol_if_dfs_attach: called; ptr=ca939984, radar_info=cbbd7c60
[   50.294706] dfs_attach: event log enabled by default
[   50.302305] ipq4019_wifi_led_init: Wifi LED init failed.. Couldn't get led gpio/led source
[   50.309631] ol_ath_attach() UMAC attach .
[   50.313734]
[   50.313734]  BURSTING enabled by default
[   50.319223] ol_ath_attach: Set global_ic[2] ..ptr:bfba8414
[   50.324608] osif_wrap_attach:441 osif wrap attached
[   50.329454] osif_wrap_devt_init:402 osif wrap dev table init done
[   50.335519]  Wrap Attached: Wrap_com =cd772a00 ic->ic_wrap_com=cd772a00 &wrap_com->wc_devt=cd772a00
[   50.344627] __ol_ath_attach: needed_headroom reservation 60
[   50.353771] ol_ath_thermal_mitigation_attach: --
[   50.357441] offload dynamic register sysctl on dev name : wifi1  successful!
[   50.357441]
[   50.366731] ath_ol_pci: spf3.0-csu2-r00030.1 (Atheros/multi-bss)
[   50.398496] ath_dev: Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Atheros Communications, Inc, All Rights Reserved
[   50.423979] ath_da_pci: spf3.0-csu2-r00030.1 (Atheros/multi-bss)
[   50.441642]  pktlog_init: Initializing Pktlog for AR900B, pktlog_hdr_size = 16
[   50.447868]  pktlog_init: Initializing Pktlog for AR900B, pktlog_hdr_size = 16
[   50.467588] __sa_init_module
[   50.530273] Switching to Tx Mode-1 Threshold 280
qcawifi: enable radio wifi1
[   50.625336] [wifi1] FWLOG: [2223] WAL_DBGID_TX_AC_BUFFER_SET ( 0x3, 0x1e, 0x94c, 0x94c, 0x0 )
[   50.632831] [wifi1] FWLOG: [2223] WAL_DBGID_TX_AC_BUFFER_SET ( 0x12, 0x1e, 0x94c, 0x94c, 0x0 )
[   50.641426] [wifi1] FWLOG: [2223] WAL_DBGID_TX_AC_BUFFER_SET ( 0x45, 0x1e, 0x94c, 0x94c, 0x0 )
[   50.650483] [wifi1] FWLOG: [2223] WAL_DBGID_TX_AC_BUFFER_SET ( 0x67, 0x1e, 0x94c, 0x94c, 0x0 )
[   50.881731]
[   50.881731] [5G AC] scn_handle->scn_disable_band=7,[0,1,1,1]
[   50.887846] isCountryCodeValid: EEPROM regdomain 0x0
[   50.892861] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x1f9001 (0x2) flags 0x2150
[   50.899857] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x1f9001 (0x4) flags 0xa0
[   50.906748] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x1f9001 (0x8) flags 0xc0
[   50.913566] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x1f9001 (0x20) flags 0xd0
[   50.920513] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x1f9001 (0x40) flags 0x150
[   50.927516] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x1f9001 (0x800) flags 0x10080
[   50.934826] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x1f9001 (0x2000) flags 0x20080
[   50.942206] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x1f9001 (0x4000) flags 0x40080
[   50.949653] Add VHT80 channel: 5210
[   50.953061] Add VHT80 channel: 5290
[   50.956505] Add VHT80 channel: 5530
[   50.960036] Add VHT80 channel: 5610
[   50.963472] Skipping VHT80 channel 5700
[   50.967275] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x1f9001 (0x200000) flags 0x4000100
[   50.975028] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x1f9001 (0x400000) flags 0x8000100
[   51.242740] wlan_vap_create : enter. devhandle=0xcefc04c0, opmode=IEEE80211_M_HOSTAP, flags=0x1
[   51.250542] wmi_unified_vdev_create_send: ID = 0 Type = 1, Subtype = 0 VAP Addr = 88:dc:96:67:4d:09:
[   51.259625] ieee80211_mbo_vattach:MBO Initialized
[   51.264344] In ieee80211_vap_setup, line:410, wifi-pos enabled vap:0
[   51.271788] wlan_vap_create : exit. devhandle=0xcefc04c0, vap=0xcc588000, opmode=IEEE80211_M_HOSTAP, flags=0x1.
[   51.280891] __ieee80211_smart_ant_init: Smart Antenna is not supported
[   51.287457] Enabling TX checksum bit for the vap ath1 features 4000
[   51.293811] Enabling SG bit for the vap ath1 features 4000
[   51.299334] Enabling SG bit for the vap ath1 features 4000
[   51.304922] Enabling TSO bit for the vap ath1 features 4000
[   51.310560] Enabling LRO bit for the vap ath1 features 4000
[   51.316185] VAP device ath1 created osifp: (cb4164c0) os_if: (cc588000)
[   51.473627] ME Pool succesfully initialized vaddr - cabc0000 paddr - 0
[   51.473627] num_elems = 1424 buf_size - 64 pool_size = 102528
[   51.484923] Enable MCAST_TO_UCAST
[   51.531018]
[   51.531018]  DES SSID SET=
[   51.540893] vap-0(ath1):set SIOC80211NWID, 8 characters
[   51.545089]
[   51.545089]  DES SSID SET=TOT_WiFi
[   51.624818] [wifi1] FWLOG: [3205] WAL_DBGID_DEV_RESET ( 0xc01d, 0x3be )
[   52.089918] br-lan: port 1(eth1) entered forwarding state
[   52.234893] device ath1 entered promiscuous mode
[   52.929945]  ieee80211_ioctl_siwmode: imr.ifm_active=66176, new mode=3, valid=1
[   52.960522]  DEVICE IS DOWN ifname=ath1
[   52.963758]  DEVICE IS DOWN ifname=ath1
[   53.041955] Switching to Tx Mode-1 Threshold 280
[   53.181841] br-lan: port 2(ath1) entered forwarding state
[   53.186249] br-lan: port 2(ath1) entered forwarding state
[   53.191665] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device ath1
[   53.236472] ol_scan_unregister_event_handler: Failed to unregister evhandler=bfa47148 arg=cab00000
[   53.236472]
[   53.245964] osif_vap_stop: Scan in progress.. Cancelling it. vap: 0xcc588000
[   53.253564] wmi_unified_vdev_down_send for vap 0 (cddc0000)
[   53.260415] br-lan: port 2(ath1) entered disabled state
[   53.302057] br-lan: port 2(ath1) entered forwarding state
[   53.306478] br-lan: port 2(ath1) entered forwarding state
[   53.312021] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device ath1
[   53.631151] [wifi1] FWLOG: [5407] WAL_DBGID_SECURITY_ENCR_EN (  )
qcawifi: enable radio wifi0
[   53.636798] [wifi1] FWLOG: [5407] WAL_DBGID_SECURITY_MCAST_KEY_SET ( 0x1 )
[   53.645589] [wifi1] FWLOG: [5440] WAL channel change freq=5180, mode=0 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   53.654688] [wifi1] FWLOG: [5518] RESMGR_OCS_GEN_PERIODIC_NOA ( 0x0 )
[   53.660605] [wifi1] FWLOG: [5518] RESMGR_OCS_GEN_PERIODIC_NOA ( 0x0 )
[   53.667034] [wifi1] FWLOG: [5877] WAL channel change freq=5200, mode=0 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   53.924395]
[   53.924395] [5G AC] scn_handle->scn_disable_band=7,[0,1,1,1]
[   53.930563] isCountryCodeValid: EEPROM regdomain 0x0
[   53.935477] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x680c (0x2) flags 0x2150
[   53.942364] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x680c (0x1) flags 0x140
[   53.949126] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x680c (0x20) flags 0xd0
[   53.955925] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x680c (0x40) flags 0x150
[   53.962785] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x680c (0x1000) flags 0x10100
[   53.969956] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x680c (0x8000) flags 0x20100
[   53.977126] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x680c (0x10000) flags 0x40100
[   53.984448] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x680c (0x20000) flags 0x100100
[   53.991815] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x680c (0x40000) flags 0x200100
[   53.999171] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x680c (0x80000) flags 0x400100
[   54.006579] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x680c (0x100000) flags 0x800100
[   54.014040] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x680c (0x200000) flags 0x4000100
[   54.021620] ol_regdmn_init_channels: !avail mode 0x680c (0x400000) flags 0x8000100
[   54.114515] [wifi0] FWLOG: [8859] WAL_DBGID_DEV_RESET ( 0xc01d, 0x3c0 )
[   54.128843] wlan_vap_create : enter. devhandle=0xce7004c0, opmode=IEEE80211_M_HOSTAP, flags=0x1
[   54.136673] wmi_unified_vdev_create_send: ID = 0 Type = 1, Subtype = 0 VAP Addr = 88:dc:96:67:4d:08:
[   54.145861] ieee80211_mbo_vattach:MBO Initialized
[   54.150462] In ieee80211_vap_setup, line:410, wifi-pos enabled vap:0
[   54.157941] wlan_vap_create : exit. devhandle=0xce7004c0, vap=0xcabf8000, opmode=IEEE80211_M_HOSTAP, flags=0x1.
[   54.167102] __ieee80211_smart_ant_init: Smart Antenna is not supported
[   54.173657] Enabling TX checksum bit for the vap ath0 features 4000
[   54.179966] Enabling SG bit for the vap ath0 features 4000
[   54.185488] Enabling SG bit for the vap ath0 features 4000
[   54.191068] Enabling TSO bit for the vap ath0 features 4000
[   54.196684] Enabling LRO bit for the vap ath0 features 4000
[   54.202362] VAP device ath0 created osifp: (ce58acc0) os_if: (cabf8000)
[   54.352200] ME Pool succesfully initialized vaddr - ca580000 paddr - 0
[   54.352200] num_elems = 1424 buf_size - 64 pool_size = 102528
[   54.363528] Enable MCAST_TO_UCAST
[   54.402987]
[   54.402987]  DES SSID SET=
[   54.412949] vap-0(ath0):set SIOC80211NWID, 8 characters
[   54.417147]
[   54.417147]  DES SSID SET=TOT_WiFi
[   54.630891] [wifi1] FWLOG: [6192] WAL channel change freq=5220, mode=0 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   54.638479] [wifi1] FWLOG: [6506] WAL channel change freq=5240, mode=0 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   54.647077] [wifi1] FWLOG: [6820] WAL channel change freq=5260, mode=0 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   55.099311] device ath0 entered promiscuous mode
[   55.250238]  ieee80211_ioctl_siwmode: imr.ifm_active=131712, new mode=3, valid=1
[   55.300499]  DEVICE IS DOWN ifname=ath0
[   55.303732]  DEVICE IS DOWN ifname=ath0
[   55.531167] br-lan: port 3(ath0) entered forwarding state
[   55.535589] br-lan: port 3(ath0) entered forwarding state
[   55.541126] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device ath0
[   55.561813] ol_scan_unregister_event_handler: Failed to unregister evhandler=bfa47148 arg=cc4c0000
[   55.561813]
[   55.571305] osif_vap_init: Scan in progress.. Cancelling it. vap: 0xcabf8000
[   55.578883] wmi_unified_vdev_down_send for vap 0 (cd020000)
[   55.630384] [wifi1] FWLOG: [7133] WAL channel change freq=5280, mode=0 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   55.637963] [wifi1] FWLOG: [7448] WAL channel change freq=5300, mode=0 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   55.646569] [wifi1] FWLOG: [7762] WAL channel change freq=5320, mode=0 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   55.655249] ol_scan_unregister_event_handler: Failed to unregister evhandler=bfa47148 arg=cc4c0000
[   55.655249]
[   55.665621] osif_vap_stop: Scan in progress.. Cancelling it. vap: 0xcabf8000
[   55.673100] wmi_unified_vdev_down_send for vap 0 (cd020000)
[   55.680166] br-lan: port 3(ath0) entered disabled state
[   55.721272] br-lan: port 3(ath0) entered forwarding state
[   55.725697] br-lan: port 3(ath0) entered forwarding state
[   55.731360] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device ath0
[   56.113472] [wifi0] FWLOG: [10348] WAL_DBGID_SECURITY_ENCR_EN (  )
[   56.118622] [wifi0] FWLOG: [10348] WAL_DBGID_SECURITY_MCAST_KEY_SET ( 0x1 )
[   56.125567] [wifi0] FWLOG: [10380] WAL channel change freq=2412, mode=1 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   56.134520] [wifi0] FWLOG: [10434] RESMGR_OCS_GEN_PERIODIC_NOA ( 0x0 )
[   56.140763] [wifi0] FWLOG: [10434] RESMGR_OCS_GEN_PERIODIC_NOA ( 0x0 )
[   56.147271] [wifi0] FWLOG: [10530] RESMGR_OCS_GEN_PERIODIC_NOA ( 0x0 )
[   56.153779] [wifi0] FWLOG: [10530] RESMGR_OCS_GEN_PERIODIC_NOA ( 0x0 )
[   56.160294] [wifi0] FWLOG: [10889] WAL channel change freq=2417, mode=1 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   56.629984] [wifi1] FWLOG: [8076] WAL channel change freq=5500, mode=0 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   56.637573] [wifi1] FWLOG: [8390] WAL channel change freq=5520, mode=0 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   56.646162] [wifi1] FWLOG: [8705] WAL channel change freq=5540, mode=0 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   57.112959] [wifi0] FWLOG: [11203] WAL channel change freq=2422, mode=1 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   57.121034] [wifi0] FWLOG: [11517] WAL channel change freq=2427, mode=1 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   57.130219] [wifi0] FWLOG: [11831] WAL channel change freq=2432, mode=1 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   57.629655] [wifi1] FWLOG: [9019] WAL channel change freq=5560, mode=0 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   57.637245] [wifi1] FWLOG: [9333] WAL channel change freq=5580, mode=0 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   57.645831] [wifi1] FWLOG: [9647] WAL channel change freq=5600, mode=0 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   57.654447] [wifi1] FWLOG: [9961] WAL channel change freq=5620, mode=0 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   58.112524] [wifi0] FWLOG: [12145] WAL channel change freq=2437, mode=1 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   58.120532] [wifi0] FWLOG: [12460] WAL channel change freq=2442, mode=1 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   58.128870] [wifi0] FWLOG: [12773] WAL channel change freq=2447, mode=1 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   58.331982] siwfreq
[   58.333064] Set freq vap 0 stop send + cc588000
[   58.337586] ol_scan_unregister_event_handler: Failed to unregister evhandler=bfa47148 arg=cab00000
[   58.337586]
[   58.348037] osif_vap_acs_cancel: Scan in progress.. Cancelling it vap: 0xcc588000
[   58.356557] wmi_unified_vdev_down_send for vap 0 (cddc0000)
[   58.361466] Set freq vap 0 stop send -cc588000
[   58.389906] Set wait done --cc588000
[   58.629043] [wifi1] FWLOG: [10276] WAL channel change freq=5640, mode=0 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   58.636710] [wifi1] FWLOG: [10590] WAL channel change freq=5660, mode=0 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   58.645392] [wifi1] FWLOG: [10746] RESMGR_OCS_GEN_PERIODIC_NOA ( 0x0 )
[   58.651901] [wifi1] FWLOG: [10746] RESMGR_OCS_GEN_PERIODIC_NOA ( 0x0 )
[   58.658408] [wifi1] FWLOG: [10809] WAL channel change freq=5180, mode=0 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   59.114709] [wifi0] FWLOG: [13088] WAL channel change freq=2452, mode=1 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   59.122732] [wifi0] FWLOG: [13402] WAL channel change freq=2457, mode=1 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   59.131110] [wifi0] FWLOG: [13716] WAL channel change freq=2462, mode=1 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   59.139737] [wifi0] FWLOG: [14030] WAL channel change freq=2467, mode=1 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   59.628767] [wifi1] FWLOG: [11123] WAL channel change freq=5200, mode=0 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   59.636431] [wifi1] FWLOG: [11438] WAL channel change freq=5220, mode=0 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   59.645129] [wifi1] FWLOG: [11752] WAL channel change freq=5240, mode=0 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   59.706113] wmi_unified_vdev_down_send for vap 0 (cd020000)
[   59.710880] OL vap_start +
[   59.713350] wmi_unified_vdev_start_send for vap 0 (cd020000)
[   59.718991] OL vap_start -
[   59.721712] ol_ath_vap_set_param: Now supported MGMT RATE is 1000(kbps) and rate code: 0x43
[   59.930278] ol_vdev_start_resp_ev for vap 0 (cd020000)
[   59.934535] su bfee 1 mu bfee 0 su bfer 1 mu bfer 1 impl bf 0 sounding dim 1
[   59.941471] wmi_unified_vdev_up_send for vap 0 (cd020000)
[   59.946811] __ieee80211_smart_ant_init: Smart Antenna is not supported
[   60.114100] [wifi0] FWLOG: [14344] WAL channel change freq=2472, mode=1 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   60.122105] [wifi0] FWLOG: [14662] RESMGR_OCS_GEN_PERIODIC_NOA ( 0x0 )
[   60.128279] [wifi0] FWLOG: [14662] RESMGR_OCS_GEN_PERIODIC_NOA ( 0x0 )
[   60.134787] [wifi0] FWLOG: [14671] vap-0 VDEV_MGR_VDEV_START ( 0x96c, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0 )
[   60.142601] [wifi0] FWLOG: [14671] WAL channel change freq=2412, mode=5 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   60.151313] [wifi0] FWLOG: [14904] VDEV_MGR_HP_START_TIME ( 0x0, 0x96c, 0xbea001 )
[   60.158833] [wifi0] FWLOG: [14904] RESMGR_OCS_GEN_PERIODIC_NOA ( 0x1 )
[   60.165340] [wifi0] FWLOG: [14904] RESMGR_OCS_GEN_PERIODIC_NOA ( 0x0 )
[   60.171853] [wifi0] FWLOG: [14904] VDEV_MGR_AP_TBTT_CONFIG ( 0x0, 0x96c, 0x0, 0x0 )
[   60.628239] [wifi1] FWLOG: [12066] WAL channel change freq=5260, mode=0 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   60.635907] [wifi1] FWLOG: [12380] WAL channel change freq=5280, mode=0 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   60.644611] [wifi1] FWLOG: [12695] WAL channel change freq=5300, mode=0 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   60.653286] [wifi1] FWLOG: [13009] WAL channel change freq=5320, mode=0 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   60.753777] siwfreq
[   60.754870] Set freq vap 0 stop send + cabf8000
[   60.759542] wmi_unified_vdev_stop_send for vap 0 (cd020000)
[   60.765064] STOPPED EVENT for vap 0 (cd020000)
[   60.765097] Set freq vap 0 stop send -cabf8000
[   60.774407] wmi_unified_vdev_down_send for vap 0 (cd020000)
[   60.789945] Set wait done --cabf8000
[   61.113589] [wifi0] FWLOG: [15757] RESMGR_OCS_GEN_PERIODIC_NOA ( 0x0 )
[   61.119086] [wifi0] FWLOG: [15757] RESMGR_OCS_GEN_PERIODIC_NOA ( 0x0 )
[   61.125595] [wifi0] FWLOG: [15800] WAL channel change freq=2412, mode=1 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   61.628076] [wifi1] FWLOG: [13322] WAL channel change freq=5500, mode=0 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   61.635742] [wifi1] FWLOG: [13636] WAL channel change freq=5520, mode=0 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   61.644444] [wifi1] FWLOG: [13951] WAL channel change freq=5540, mode=0 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   62.113336] [wifi0] FWLOG: [16114] WAL channel change freq=2417, mode=1 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   62.121180] [wifi0] FWLOG: [16429] WAL channel change freq=2422, mode=1 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   62.129685] [wifi0] FWLOG: [16743] WAL channel change freq=2427, mode=1 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   62.138363] [wifi0] FWLOG: [17057] WAL channel change freq=2432, mode=1 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   62.627557] [wifi1] FWLOG: [14265] WAL channel change freq=5560, mode=0 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   62.635271] [wifi1] FWLOG: [14579] WAL channel change freq=5580, mode=0 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   62.643937] [wifi1] FWLOG: [14894] WAL channel change freq=5600, mode=0 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   63.112992] [wifi0] FWLOG: [17371] WAL channel change freq=2437, mode=1 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   63.121055] [wifi0] FWLOG: [17685] WAL channel change freq=2442, mode=1 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   63.129350] [wifi0] FWLOG: [17999] WAL channel change freq=2447, mode=1 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   63.626954] [wifi1] FWLOG: [15207] WAL channel change freq=5620, mode=0 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   63.634810] [wifi1] FWLOG: [15522] WAL channel change freq=5640, mode=0 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   63.643339] [wifi1] FWLOG: [15836] WAL channel change freq=5660, mode=0 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   64.112544] [wifi0] FWLOG: [18314] WAL channel change freq=2452, mode=1 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   64.120531] [wifi0] FWLOG: [18628] WAL channel change freq=2457, mode=1 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   64.128891] [wifi0] FWLOG: [18942] WAL channel change freq=2462, mode=1 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   64.248819] wmi_unified_vdev_down_send for vap 0 (cddc0000)
[   64.253495] 1) 5GHz channel: 36,  acs->acs_chan_rssitotal[36]: 0
[   64.259357] 2) 5GHz channel: 44,  acs->acs_chan_rssitotal[44]: 0
[   64.265342] 3) 5GHz channel: 52,  acs->acs_chan_rssitotal[52]: 0
[   64.271328] 4) 5GHz channel: 60,  acs->acs_chan_rssitotal[60]: 0
[   64.277320] 5) 5GHz channel: 100,  acs->acs_chan_rssitotal[100]: 0
[   64.283484] 6) 5GHz channel: 108,  acs->acs_chan_rssitotal[108]: 0
[   64.289647] 7) 5GHz channel: 132,  acs->acs_chan_rssitotal[132]: 0
[   64.295809] 8) 5GHz channel: 40,  acs->acs_chan_rssitotal[40]: 0
[   64.301800] 9) 5GHz channel: 48,  acs->acs_chan_rssitotal[48]: 0
[   64.307787] 10) 5GHz channel: 56,  acs->acs_chan_rssitotal[56]: 0
[   64.313864] 11) 5GHz channel: 64,  acs->acs_chan_rssitotal[64]: 0
[   64.319939] 12) 5GHz channel: 104,  acs->acs_chan_rssitotal[104]: 0
[   64.326189] 13) 5GHz channel: 112,  acs->acs_chan_rssitotal[112]: 0
[   64.332439] 14) 5GHz channel: 136,  acs->acs_chan_rssitotal[136]: 0
[   64.338828] OL vap_start +
[   64.341390] wmi_unified_vdev_start_send for vap 0 (cddc0000)
[   64.347028] OL vap_start -
[   64.349726] ol_ath_vap_set_param: Now supported MGMT RATE is 6000(kbps) and rate code: 0x3
[   64.543735] ol_vdev_start_resp_ev for vap 0 (cddc0000)
[   64.547917] ol_if_dfs_configure: ETSI domain
[   64.626675] [wifi1] FWLOG: [16151] WAL channel change freq=5680, mode=0 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   64.634416] [wifi1] FWLOG: [16465] WAL channel change freq=5700, mode=0 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   64.643061] [wifi1] FWLOG: [16783] RESMGR_OCS_GEN_PERIODIC_NOA ( 0x0 )
[   64.649622] [wifi1] FWLOG: [16783] RESMGR_OCS_GEN_PERIODIC_NOA ( 0x0 )
[   64.656127] [wifi1] FWLOG: [16879] vap-0 VDEV_MGR_VDEV_START ( 0x15a4, 0x2, 0x0, 0x1 )
[   64.663964] [wifi1] FWLOG: [16879] WAL channel change freq=5540, mode=9 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   64.806988] wmi_unified_vdev_down_send for vap 0 (cd020000)
[   64.811818] OL vap_start +
[   64.814236] wmi_unified_vdev_start_send for vap 0 (cd020000)
[   64.819900] OL vap_start -
[   64.822579] ol_ath_vap_set_param: Now supported MGMT RATE is 1000(kbps) and rate code: 0x43
[   65.032723] ol_vdev_start_resp_ev for vap 0 (cd020000)
[   65.036978] su bfee 1 mu bfee 0 su bfer 1 mu bfer 1 impl bf 0 sounding dim 1
[   65.043910] wmi_unified_vdev_up_send for vap 0 (cd020000)
[   65.049254] __ieee80211_smart_ant_init: Smart Antenna is not supported
[   65.116352] [wifi0] FWLOG: [19256] WAL channel change freq=2467, mode=1 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   65.124395] [wifi0] FWLOG: [19570] WAL channel change freq=2472, mode=1 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   65.133240] [wifi0] FWLOG: [19888] RESMGR_OCS_GEN_PERIODIC_NOA ( 0x0 )
[   65.139208] [wifi0] FWLOG: [19888] RESMGR_OCS_GEN_PERIODIC_NOA ( 0x0 )
[   65.145719] [wifi0] FWLOG: [19897] vap-0 VDEV_MGR_VDEV_START ( 0x99e, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0 )
[   65.153533] [wifi0] FWLOG: [19897] WAL channel change freq=2462, mode=5 flags=0 rx_ok=1 tx_ok=1
[   65.162667] [wifi0] FWLOG: [20132] VDEV_MGR_HP_START_TIME ( 0x0, 0x99e, 0x10cc000 )
[   65.169848] [wifi0] FWLOG: [20132] RESMGR_OCS_GEN_PERIODIC_NOA ( 0x1 )
[   65.176360] [wifi0] FWLOG: [20132] RESMGR_OCS_GEN_PERIODIC_NOA ( 0x0 )
[   65.182873] [wifi0] FWLOG: [20132] VDEV_MGR_AP_TBTT_CONFIG ( 0x0, 0x99e, 0x0, 0x0 )
[   68.329900] br-lan: port 2(ath1) entered forwarding state
[   70.729900] br-lan: port 3(ath0) entered forwarding state
start apcontroller
CP udhcpc iface:
[   86.536750] nf_conntrack: automatic helper assignment is deprecated and it will be removed soon. Use the iptables CT target to attach helpers instead.
[   89.099958] msm_thermal: enabled = 0
CP udhcpc iface:

*                                 EWS330AP                             *

password: [  126.569904] cac_timeout cac expired, chan 5540 curr time 4294793
[  126.575031] su bfee 1 mu bfee 0 su bfer 1 mu bfer 1 impl bf 0 sounding dim 1
[  126.581945] wmi_unified_vdev_up_send for vap 0 (cddc0000)
[  126.587304] __ieee80211_smart_ant_init: Smart Antenna is not supported
[  126.601572] [wifi1] FWLOG: [80649] VDEV_MGR_HP_START_TIME ( 0x0, 0x15a4, 0x490c001 )
[  126.608278] [wifi1] FWLOG: [80650] RESMGR_OCS_GEN_PERIODIC_NOA ( 0x1 )
[  126.614791] [wifi1] FWLOG: [80650] RESMGR_OCS_GEN_PERIODIC_NOA ( 0x0 )
[  126.621301] [wifi1] FWLOG: [80650] VDEV_MGR_AP_TBTT_CONFIG ( 0x0, 0x15a4, 0x0, 0x0 )

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Login incorrect
Login incorrect

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*                                 EWS330AP                             *

Login incorrect
Login incorrect
Login incorrect

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*                                 EWS330AP                             *

Login incorrect
password: CP udhcpc iface:

Login timed out after
Please press Enter to activate this console.
*                                 EWS330AP                             *

Login incorrect
Login timed out after
Please press Enter to activate this console. Login incorrect
Login incorrect

Please press Enter to activate this console.
*                                 EWS330AP                             *

Login incorrect
Login incorrect
Login incorrect

Please press Enter to activate this console. [ 2086.141337] [wifi0] FWLOG: [2090521] WAL_DBGID_DEV_TX_TIMEOUT ( 0x0, 0x1 )
[ 2093.138095] [wifi0] FWLOG: [2097760] WAL_DBGID_DEV_TX_TIMEOUT ( 0x0, 0x1 )
[ 2094.137571] [wifi0] FWLOG: [2098704] WAL_DBGID_DEV_TX_TIMEOUT ( 0x0, 0x1 )

